Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry what??? Where did Thanksgiving go!

So I know I do not have to state the obvious. Been a while, been busy, holidays, bad blogger blah blah blah.... so lets get on with it.

I feel like so much has occurred since my last post, wasn't I still pregnant? HA HA HA... I joke. Let me see, I will start by talking about our Thanksgiving and work my way to present time. This may be the entry of all entries when it comes to length. If you don't have at least 3 hours it may take more than one visit (JUST KIDDING!).

So weeks before Thanksgiving we had planned to go over to Omar's best friend/ Little O's godfather's house. Both sides of the fam-bam would be there. I was taking Javi a birthday cake, Pedro was frying the turkey, my mom was baking a ham... So like most things in our lives, Thanksgiving did not go as we had planned. Something came up last minute (I am talking Wednesday) and the Arteagas would not be able to host Thanksgiving. So my poor in-laws would have to rush to the market to pick out whatever turkey was not 100lbs and prey it would defrost in time! We ended up doing Thanksgiving at Omi's parent's house. Less people than originally expected... but quaint and lovely. Both sets of grandparents, tio, tia, etc and our little family were there. I posted some pictures on fb and ms... but I'll post a video of our little pilgrim on here so you can catch him getting his first taste of turkey!

As usual day of Thanksgiving was fun. Tradition is I always go out shopping that day. I try to get most of the presents out of the way... and as usual I did. This year was so0o0o much more fun though. The first year I get to shop for my own little one! It was so exciting, thinking of all the fun toys to get him, not just fun but I tried to pick out things which would help him developmentally and somewhat educational. And to think, he'll likely enjoy the wrapping paper and boxes more than the actual presents! We also put up our tree that weekend as well... which was cute for him to watch I think. He was absolutely mesmerized by the lights... loves watching them. While we were putting them up outside we sat him in his little baby Einstein chair and he was loving being surrounded by all the lighting.

I feel like Omar has hit so many milestones in this past month alone. I had read that 6 months was a huge developmental turning point... but he is a bit ahead. Not crawling yet, but he is already scooting and lifting up his butt and almost has it down. He is eating foods with more consistency. Broke his mother's heart... his first word was Papa. Later he said Mama, but the initial blow was hard to cope with. Below I will go ahead and post massive amounts of pictures and video clip. If you listen carefully (my mommy's out there I'm pretty sure you'll hear it) you can hear papa and mama. Bath time is so much fun now too!! He splashes up a storm and loves playing in the water. Reminds me of a little bird in a bird bath... too cute.

Christmas is just around the corner and I can't wait. I feel like it has been so long since I have such eagerness for the holidays. When little Omar came into our lives I knew it would magical... and everything would have a different meaning, but this is just surreal. I think back on how much both Omar and I wanted a little one in our lives... how much I prayed for the blessing. Incredible that just 6 short months later, I cannot remember I life without him in it. Just today I had to take him to the dr because he has a bit of a cold... stuffing nose and coughing, had to get it taken care of. Its so silly, but as I sat there waiting for Daysi I was staring at this precious little perfect person. I looked at my tummy and thought oh my goodness, he was in there a little over 6 months ago, got a little teary eyed and than got over it (lol).

As most of you know, the cake world has been busy as well. Holidays have been good to me so far I must admit. Have had steady business which is always nice. So imagine what a curve ball it was for us when Omar's agent called and asked if Omar was interested in playing again. CARAZY.... we had discussed it a bit ago, but him having taken a year hiatus we never imagined it was truly a possibility. I guess he has someone fooled ;o) So now we need to sit and wait and see how it all pans out. I am hoping he signs again... he still gets that itch. Those of you in the business know what I am talking about. I knew he had hung up his cleats, but I was never convinced he put them away. Now is the time to try again... while Omi is young and not in school yet. Of course, as always we shall follow. Should be interesting if it does happen... us, Omi, Peanut and Coco... if anything the drive I'm sure will be eventful! But nothing is concrete, and the season seems so far from now... I try not to think about it. Although I am secretly excited. Check out these throw backs, I actually found them on flickr... odd the things people have pictures of!!!!

I will go ahead and just post some random pictures of us and little man out and about....

I will try my hardest for the next entry to be soon!