Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba!!!!

For Halloween Omar is going to be DJ Lance Rock!!! Little Omar is just ecstatic about the whole idea. Needless to say O has worn the costume more than once around the house. It is actually pretty funny, because Omi rummages in the closet and comes out with it at least once a day and asks his Papa to "put on" I am sure that O is going to be quite the popular guy at the Halloween party we are throwing for the kids. Check out the boombox I made for DJ Lance Rock!!!!

I made some cupcakes for another party the boys were invited to. I felt a little inspired, and was tinkering around with ideas for our party. I am going to set up a dessert table, and was not sure how two cake stands would look stacked- not bad eh? They were only $4.99 each at Target. I am sure you are surprised, me at Target? Never.... it is only my second home.

Enjoy that little sneak peek of the boy's Halloween pictures.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just some pictures to catch up

Hello there all!!!! I feel like I have just been posting up a storm as of late. So I will not bore with any random tangents I am more than able to come up with. There are the pictures I had promised in previous posts, minus the Halloween pictures. I PROMISE to have those up before Halloween... lol.
Us in St. Augustine. Family pictures are so rare of us... thank goodness for Sabrina who captured this lovely snapshot!

These are an even rarer find than family pictures. Since I am the photog of the family, it is safe to say that I am not captured in many of our candid shots. I literally had to tell O "hey take a pic of me with the boys please" turn on the camera and hand it to him.

I just love this shot of Aiden sleeping on Omi... TOO fricking cute

Aiden's face is classic
This little guy's imagination and creativity is just too much at times. He saw this and placed it on his head and said "mama look I'm Sponge Bob" For those of you who may not know, Sponge bob wears something that looks like that when he does Karate with Sandy Cheeks.
It is a rare day when he does not bathe after every meal.
Just the cutest little Goblin EVER!!
I did try to keep it as short as possible. Just writing enough to explain.

Pumpkin Patch 2010

This past week we took a field trip with the boys out the pumpkin patch. We do it every year, so nothing all that new and excited... except it is Aiden Eric's first! He definitely did enjoy himself. Aiden loved being propped up top of all those pumpkins.

Omi loved sitting on the pumpkins! Just after the picture was taken Little Man tried to stuff his brother thru the cracks.
Aiden scaled this pumpkin shortly after the picture was taken.

My two favorite pumpkin

Monday, October 18, 2010

Scarlet you make me smile

Let me first start by saying that I am always cringing at the view of over achievers at the gym: the stair climbers (is that even what it is called?) who decide that going up the stairs backwards is really the smart way to go about their cardio work out, those who go extra fast on the tredmil, don't get me started on the agilities enthusists. Every so often I catch a glimpse of a gym member doing off the wall exercises which I would never dare do... I try not to tempt fate. I am beyond clumsy and there is no need to make my life more dangerous than it already is. So I digress... Omar and I are in the abs area along with another two girls. One which happens to be a little over weight. OK OK OK I am not trying to make fun of over weight people, but I just want to make a point that there are just some things that are not wise-- again don't tempt fate. Well this girl is on one of the yoga balls. I use them to assist me with sit ups since my knees are shot. But she was using it to balance herself on it. It is a bit difficult to explain, but she was on her stomach trying to balance herself with her arms and legs stretched out in front and behind her. Picture it? Now do you understand what I mean by temping fate???? Ok so she is some what balanced and than it happens, she begins to loose her balance. So instead of falling on to her face she manages to put her hands in front and not break her nose. Sounds like she missed a disaster right? WRONG! So as she is trying to get up, she uses her hands to walk back and I guess had ever intention of landing her feet on the ground. Now, as she is "walking with her hands" there is another yoga ball directly behind her. Which of course does not allow her feet to get to the floor she so desperately needed. I am watching this all unravel so quickly and slow all at the same time that I just have no idea how this is going to end... well I know it is not going to pleasant, but not exactly sure how. So instead of stopping the hand motions, she continues going backwards with hopes of kicking the ball behind her out from under her feet. I really have no idea how she thought this would end other than catastrophic. Picture it: heavy set girl laying on a yoga ball, legs are kicking in the air trying to kick another ball from behind her while her arms are only pushing her closer and closer to her demise. Than it happens, she loses total balance and just falls to the side ... SPLAT! Landing on the floor as both yoga balls fly across the room! I can only imagine what my face must have looked like. I am proud to say I did not laugh... but when her friend looked over at Omar all he could do was shrug with an "I don't know what the heck just happened" kind of face. I decided just to look away instantly, I have self control but it only goes so far.

When it was all said and done we start walking out of the gym, and Omar turns to me and says "I wonder if her name is Scarlet?" I almost peed myself. This clip just NEVER gets old! It is not the full version... but oh wow H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S

Friday, October 15, 2010

Keeping up with it all!!!!

disclaimer: Let me begin by excusing myself for the potential disaster that is this post... I am running on approximately 3 hours of sleep. So the ADD may be extra special this rant.

Last weekend was nuts with orders and having to get them all done before the Friday because we were leaving to St. Augustine. Although I was tremendously sleep deprived I did complete my tasks as you saw in the previous post and completed them all quite well if I do say so myself. Tomorrow we are heading to Naples for a tournament (surprised I am sure) so it was another crazy past two days. Except since we are leaving Sat and not Friday I had a little more wiggle room. I had 5 in total... one was just a sheet so nothing special that I would even take a picture of, so for photographic purposes it was only 4. I really zoomed through them for the most part. And I did not sleep because it would (I am aware of how crazy it sounds) it would just be easier. As most of you know, daddies love to help--- but never quite keep things in line like Momma Bear does (I will touch base on THAT shortly). So I work best when EVERY ONE is asleep and out of my hair. Likely why I always find myself posting at these late night hours. For the most part none were out of the ordinary and difficult. The christening gown I had never done before... I got a little concerned. I thought it was not going to look right, or that I was going to have to drape fondant more than once. Pretty anxious about it... turns out it was not difficult to make at all. I know that your non cake people are probably thinking- yeah right not hard--pppfffhhh... but it wasn't. The most difficult part was getting the sleeves the same size, other than that (pardon the cheesiness) it was cake.

So as I was saying earlier, is it not the most annoying thing how kids smell weakness. Now, it is really difficult to explain because for the most part Omar is the enforcer. I tend to bend too quickly and feel bad when I scold or give a time out. And when we are both in the same vicinity, a stern instruction from Papa always beats Mama's pleading. Odd, when I am alone with them I swear they listen. Maybe I just tell myself they do to help the self- esteem... lol. (They really do listen though). Ok so stern and "strict" Papa right??? NO! It is like when Papa is in charge these little darlings turn into havens! I mean little O starts prancing from couch to couch, on the back rest none the less all the while Aiden is pulling apart the blinds from the sliding glass door. Where might you ask if the strict one at this point in time??? Well he watching a movie... taking out time to play "timber" (Omi sits on Big O's shoulders and than "falls" to his tickle doom) every so often with Little O. Only to be interrupted with laughter and clapping caused by Aiden Eric's amusement with the destruction he has caused. You would believe that if they have their Papa to entertain them that Mama could make an attempt to accomplish a task or two- WRONG! Turns out while they are not being destructive one is clinging to my leg (Aiden) and the other is trying to climb into the fridge (Omi) because he wants to help me cook. Why is it that I find it more peaceful when O is at work and I have the terrors to myself. I have to rationalize that it is not that it is truly more peaceful, but that since I am alone I expect there to be chaos. Plus there is no one else to entertain the little monsters--- I mean darlings. On one last tangent... can someone please tell me why it is that I handle the monster and goblin alone all the time and survive, yet no one else wants to??? Is it a mom thing? Am I the only one who wants to put up with these two? They are not bad.. maybe it is just overwhelming since Aiden is soo0o0o (beyond) needy. No clue, but it is annoying.

So you get a little background, my dad does martial arts; Tae Kwon Do to be precise. Omi loves nothing more than to dig into grandpa's sparring gear and put it on!

I have quite a few more pictures of the boys and our daily adventures as well as our trip to St. Augustine... but I tease by describing how delicious my two boys look in all their pictures. Oh I also have their Halloween pictures... but again, not posting tonight. I plan on posting on Sunday night when we get back from Naples. Would you believe I still have to unload the dishwasher and reload it again... laundry (don't get me started on my arch enemy) and oh yeah.. I have to pack the boys and I for this weekend. GRRRRRR....

Friday, October 8, 2010

Galoshes and Raincoats

Living in Miami, FL we get so many rainy days. Keeping a rambunctious energetic little boy couped up inside the house not only makes for a disastrous home and stir crazy mama. So after raining two days straight, I came up with the idea that it was time for Omi to play outside. I slapped some rain boots and his rain coat on and off he went. It made for some entertaining pictures and video snippets.

Poor sweet Aiden could not join in on the fun... it is one thing to jump in puddles and another to have the little one crawl through them. I am sure he will be running through the rain in no time.

the Umizoomis

Every so often I write about a cake I have the pleasure in creating. I have actually been pretty busy lately. Averaging about 2 orders a weekend. Which is nice, because it gives me some extra monies...

There are types of cakes I enjoy creating for the most part... new and original stuff. Not the ordinary, Sesame Street or Mickey Mouse birthday cakes. And as you all know I have been blessed with two little boys, who melt my heart on a daily if not hourly basis. With that said, because I am the mommy of two little boys I do not have the opportunity to do girly things. I basically have birthday and bedroom ideas for little girls just waiting to be pried from my brain... but nada as of yet. So when I have the opportunity to make a little girl's birthday cake I get pretty excited. Just recently I had the pleasure of working a lady bug cake for a client... it was just too cute. With cookies to match of course!
This other was made for a bridal shower, isn't it just the hottest? The theme for the bridal shower was Sex and the City. I loved everything about this cake, the colors and items they asked to have me incorporate within the cake. The finishing touch, which I do not have pictured because it was added at the location was a martini glass. I can only imagine how sexy the cake looked with that finishing touch.

This one is was pretty simple and actually really small. It was used for a smash the cake photo session. I am looking forward to having the client forward me the pictures so I can see if the colors were bright enough to give the effect she wanted.

Last but not lease, my other favorite kind of cake is the kind that my little one enjoys. When I made the Yo Gabba Gabba cake Omi was jumping all around the house singing. So you can only imagine how elated he was when he woke up to see this Team Umizoomi cake sitting on the kitchen counter. He LOVES bot, the little green robot in the middle. He got so excited- I love watching him get so giddy.

These upcoming weeks I have quite a few new and exciting orders that I hope to post pictures of once the end of the month hits. I have a baby shower, a baptism, wedding and the boys Halloween party! Out of all the above, I am most excited about the Halloween party! I have so many goodies that I want to make, from baked goods to actual party foods. Oh my goodness... too excited!

On that Halloween tip, here are the boys in their costumes. I went ahead and dressed Aiden as pumpkin for his solo pictures... because I am a firm believer in them both being treated the same and not having the oldest be the "golden child" with the oodles of studio pictures and the rest having a wallet size portrait. To avoid falling into the statistic, I had Aiden dress as a pumpkin in one session and than having them do a joint session.... Take a gander at the hottest little Buzz Lightyear EVER joined with the most precious little toy martian. Doesn't that pumpkin make you want to have a slice of pumpkin pie!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Throwbacks make me smile

I while back I was told that Liani and I had no pictures of us that were descent enough to post. While sifting through my jump drives... check out this beauty!

Definitely a throw back by every definition of the word. We all looked so young there, I think it must have been taken right out of high school. HA HA HA HA ... I joke- But yeah it was a while ago. What seems like forever ago. Before I had Omi, and Peanut and Coco were the babies.

Good Times.