Monday, September 28, 2009


So yesterday we were at Omar's parent's house doing our usual Sunday family bbq thing. After a LONG weekend of baking, I decided that I deserved a nice massage courtesy of the jacuzzi. And while plopping myself into the water, my adoring hubby/ photog snapped this beaut of a pic. -ENJOY

Although looking quite big in the abdominal region, I am rather proud of myself. So far I have managed to only gain 13 lbs. Not too shabby for a 20 week prego I like to tell myself. Hopefully I won't get too extremely large. However, we all know the odds are not on my side. OB says little A is already measuring slightly larger than he should (only a week difference though). So I am hopeful it won't be too extreme. Since Omi was pretty big they will likely keep a closer eye on this little bundle the closer D day gets here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

May the Best of Your Todays be the Worse of Your Tomorrows

Yesterday we had a much needed girl session, with my beloved friends Darlene, Rosemary, and Anabel (aka Blanche, Dorothy and Sophia)... lol! I cannot believe it had been almost a year since we all got together in one place. I love catching up-- turns out I need updates more than the rest. LOL- I am convinced that I zone in and out of conversations, which leads me to miss out on a lot of important stuff it seems. No wonder why I picked Rose... not too far fetched it seems. But regardless, I do love spending time with the girls every so often. Touch base you know... make sure everyone is doing well in their lives etc. Although if there were anything huge altering we would all likely hear about it before another reunion. I guess it is always interesting for me to see how although we all have grown up and become successful woman in our way, we are all kind of the same. Not that we are the same exact kids we were in 2000, but the core is basically the same. We all really haven't change ALL that much.

I know things do not always turn exactly how we picture they would when we were 18... and may not be where we thought we would be at this age- as cheesy as this sounds though we are not bad off. We each have our health, supporting and loving families, and although they ALL drive us nuts (it is what they do) we all are blessed with men who do love and care for us immensely. Love does not always solve everything, but it eases the pain during the hardships guys.

Before I become a pregnant blabbering mess due to hormones... let me wrap this one up. Although things do not always seem ideal, we always have each other :0)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So although if you ask my abuela she would argue and tell you differently- in her exact words "tu no tienes mucha barriga, lo que tu estavas llenita y nalguda" (translation you don't have that big of a belly you were chunky and big butted to begin with). I truly had lost all of my baby weight before we managed to get pregnant again. It was actually very hard for me to accomplish. Thanks to big Omar and his pushing me to the gym I got it done. I attribute some of the weight loss to my little week stay in the hospital, but none the less it got done! So below you shall see concrete unphotoshopped pictures of a much thinner Yvette. The ones in the maxi dress were taken in June at the baseball banquet (probably RIGHT before I got preggo) and the other not sure exactly. I am much rounder these days... lol. However I am 19 wks, and I have only gained 10 lbs-- so I don't think I am doing too bad. Plus, I also asked my OB if it was safe to continue the gym he told me no- solely walking. And I am just not inspired enough to walk aimlessly around the block in this horrible heat/ humidity. I like to believe that my daily exercise is running after little man, trust me more than enough cardio!

**funny little story behind the pictures of us at the banquet. When Omar first sees the pic, he asks me "who is that in front of me?" I of course think he is trying to be a smart ass, say "your girl friend". He was serious, and said "I feel like I'm so used to seeing you with your bump already I swear I had no clue" I was a little itty bitty bitter about the confusion**

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little Milestone

Ok so for a very long while little man has invaded our bed. Much like most first time parents, we thought it was cute to have them sleep in bed with us. Only to realize how terrible of a habit it is to break much too late. So last night we had a little play session in his bed with hopes to break the ice, and achieve him being put in his bed without screaming hysterically.
And although yes I did have to initially lay in bed with him until he wandered off to sleepy land--- I did it today! For the first time in what seems like forever little man is taking a nap in his own bed.

::mission accomplished::

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday Baby Daddy

Dear (big) Omar,

Another year older my heart. As I like to think it is always good to get older, the opposite is not quite as pleasant. We are now the same age... for at least a couple of months. Although you NEVER let me forget that I am slightly older, I still love you.

I always think that holidays are special, and birthdays are the most special personalized holiday of them all!!! I really try to show you how much you are appreciated on a daily basis--- but try EXTRA hard today. Omi you are the best husband and friend I could have ever wished for. You mean so much to both little man and I. I love you the mostest my sexay chocolate :o)