Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my little goblin growing up so0oo fast

hey all- I have been meaning to blog but really have been all over the place. Will be writing fairly soon, until than here is a little video clip of little Aiden Eric

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July H-O-T boys

Before I go off on a how cute are my boys rant... just wanted to make sure to document that this little guy Aiden Eric turned 5 months on July 2! He is growing up so fast. Already trying to crawl and really gaining ground actually, scooting all over! Here is the little guy fast asleep on the day he turned 5 months

DISCLAIMER!!!!! Terribly cute photographs below... don't say I did not warn you. My little guys on Fourth of July weekend in Coral Springs.

Little O showing off his "mumels" he wants to be just like his Papa

The shirt says it ALL... our little firecracker Aiden Eric.

Little O feel asleep on the way back to the hotel from dinner. We did not even get to set off the fireworks that we had purchased for him.

lol.... I opted to go with a patriotic look for the weekend. So not like me, I painted my nails blue as oppose to the more traditional red. Liani, I know you are beaming with happiness to know that these were totally inspired by you!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Excuse me- I do not have an accent!

It was brought to my attention a while back that I have an accent. Oddly enough I was totally taken back by the insinuation that I, an American born individual had a Spanish (what we down in the MIA call reffy) accent. I would say down right applaud- my mother has an accent... NOT me.
But as time went by and our travels continued... I learned that there were loads of accents all over the nation and began to feel quite comfortable with my little accent . It was much better than that wretched California accent... do not get me started on the Midwest accent and too many more to keep track. After it was brought to my attention, I found myself trying to kick my accent when I spoke certain words and picked up on when my accent was thickest just for kicks and giggles. I noticed that the more locations I lived in I began to loose my twang. And remember on more than one occasion when my mother would call me, she would comment "you sound so white when you talk now". It was funny how I did not have an accent until I left Miami... and as a consequence, I had now lost my twang for the most part. Than one fine day it happened--- I was watching MTV and my ear caught notice of an all too familiar accent. It was the Miami accent, which really is not Miami AT ALL... it is HIALEAH (sorry Hialeah-ans and Miami Lakes people who are in denial that they are from Hialeah... LMBO). It was as if someone had gotten a chalk board and gone at it with a box of nails.

For those of you who are not from Miami, let me try to explain this all too annoying accent to you. It is Spanglish (English and Spanish mixed) to the up most degree (without sounding mean) it is done how ever in a Cuban way, not Mexican. For those of you not from Miami it really is difficult to explain what I mean by that--- but please try to keep up (jk). Ok so English with a slight Spanish twang... now insert the word "like" into every 3 third one spoken and the wretched word "bro" used for emphasis. I can only imagine that those of you from my native little town of Miami, FL are likely hysterically laughing-- because you KNOW exactly what I am talking about too.

I was never big on the use of "bro" or "like" so I feel that I merritt the right to be judgy- ha ha ha. I guess before I had lived in other parts of the US I had never paid much mind to our uniquely annoying accent, but now I can point it out a mile away.

Alright bro so like I am going to like stop writing because I am like super like tired and like need to wake up like early- ;0)