Thursday, September 6, 2012

Big Boy Status

I had been meaning to blog about this for almost 2 weeks, but with Ibrahim’s arrival right around the corner the madness at home has been a little above our average.

However let me tell you that this little gentleman started school on August 20.

DSCF2724Omi’s first day of Preschool was definitely bitter sweet for his poor very pregnant hormonal mother.  As most of his classmates clenched to their parents desperate to not be not left behind, my big little guy went around the ENTIRE room to each child saying “Hi, what is your name?  My name is Omi Falcon.”  I stuck around just in case my poor 4 year old who has never been to school spazzed out at the idea of not being home with his mama ALL day.  But nope, nothing, nada.  At one point when he saw one of the other little boys crying he asked me “mama, why is he crying?”  scared it what trigger him to cry I told him softly “because he is sad that his mommy left”.  His reply?  In typical Omi fashion “mama, doesn’t he know she is coming back?”  This kid cracks me up.  I on the other hand got slightly teary eyed when I saw him socializing and bouncing around the room happily.  Kind of like the end of an era for Omi and I.  He and I have spent the last four years together at home doing all our day to day routines together.  Trips to the zoo, movie theater, playgrounds, museums... you name it.  Now our routines would include him being dropped off in the morning.  It made me realize just how much he is growing up and how quickly it has all seemed to happen.  I’m so proud of my Omi.

During the last two weeks he has already learned how to write his name (which I will take a little credit for since he was taught his alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes, animals, etc by his mama), comes home singing all sorts of new songs, tells me what he had (or didn’t eat) for lunch.  As a matter of fact last night he made us sing the song they sing before eating, which of course we do not know--- he was more than happy to teach us.  Not to mention that he is the self appointed class greeter, even walking the girls to their seats every morning.

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I took those on the first day :)  Enjoy!