Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week full of O-Town madness

This past week we went to Orlando for a Disney tournament.  I know I am sure some of you are seriously surprised... us traveling for a tournament?  Amazing and totally unexpected I know.

While in O-Town we took advantage of our (very) long week there and made our rounds of some of the parks.  We debated on doing EPCOT and Disney Studios, but after looking at all the attractions I thought Magic Kingdom and the water parks (or as Omi called them, the BIG pools) would probably be the best use of our time.  So yes basically this post is for the soul purpose of posting pictures.  Although I am really not going to go too nuts...

With that said, I have a cute little tad bit of a story which took place on our visit to the Magic Kingdom.  Ok, so don’t be judgy...Omi (as you all know) turned 3 in June.  He is proud as a peacock to not only be 3 years old, but show off in public that he KNOWS how old he is.  So of course, we are walking through the ticket gates and Omi being Omi is talking our ears off.  He is such parrot that one, all about everything and why and who.  When I had the lady at the gate our tickets and commence to push the two monsters in the stroller through the gates she asks me "How old is he?" as she motions to Omi.  Without hesitation I reply "He is 2."  Only to (of course) hear my dear oldest son’s rebuttal "I’m not 2, I’m 3 Mama!"  At that point I wanted the ground to just open up and swallow me- sadly it did not.  I than nervously said aloud "Not yet Papa, your birthday is soon."  I than proceeded to make a dash for it and run into the park before she could make us pay the $60 fee it would cost a THREE YEAR OLD to enjoy their delightfully expensive amusement park.  Thank  goodness she did not chase us into the park, I am pretty sure we were not the first guests to weasel our little toddler into the park.  But I did feel pretty rotten for being ousted.

The rest of our visit was not as controversial.  Although Omi did continue to say funny and spontaneous anecdotes. When he saw the parade coming with the lights his actual words were "I’m so excited, I want to do the hot dog dance!"  Aiden our less vocal child, also found himself screeching at the sight of Mickey Mouse who happens to be his FAVORITE. 

And now without further banter...

This picture was actually taken when we left Miami.  These kids love their Mickey ears.  Omi said he wanted to wear his backwards so that Mickey Mouse could see his name- lol!


These two little fire crackers are my world

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These next sequence of pictures are probably the funniest I have from our week.  If not for Aiden’s Mickey ears you would never even know he was riding in the car!

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Omi wanted to take Minnie home with him...Aiden was all about Mickey’s bow tie (although I didn’t capture it in pictures)


Ahhhh yes- no family picture is complete without Mommy closing her eyes, Aiden clearly not trusting Buzz Lightyear and of course Omi trying to avoid Buzz Lightyear’s crotch



I told you he is a character


And this little monster is not falling too far behind his brother



Where’s Omar(s)?



The little girl on the right ruined our family portrait...after this picture was taken I may have tripped her down the hill which led to the lazy river.  Next time she will think twice before creeping into another family portrait.284396_223730587664760_100000834613433_557962_5713575_n 

Oh...and FYI we are going on a NON-baseball vacation this year.  In case you were concerned- I’m sure you were.  Hopefully I’ll have a minute to actually post before we leave August 16.

Feeling ashamed

I would first like to state that I am blogging because I have such a knot in the pit of my stomach.  It is 3 am and I cannot seem to fall asleep.  All due to the not guilty verdict of Casey Anthony.

Back in 2008 when the entire ordeal began the whole story hurt me.  At the time I was a new mom, Omar was born June 4, 2008; and the story broke in July 2008.  At that time I could not wrap my head around the idea of not reporting your child missing for 31 days--- and it still doesn’t.  For those of you who don’t know it took us two years to get pregnant...TWO YEARS.  So when I think of all the couples who would do anything to be blessed with a child in their lives it stings even more to fathom a mother harming their child.  Not just with Casey Anthony, I always get that knot in my stomach when I hear about child abuse.

As it all evolved and the lies and deception began to surface my blood would boil.  I felt so awful for her family, she had them fooled. 

I followed the trial since day one.  I watched it daily.  Listened to both sides, and do agree that there was some questions left unanswered.  However the evidence that the prosecution did present--- come on people it was the real deal.  I don’t give a crap how dysfunctional her family was, that does not give her a get out of jail free card (or did it?).  She lied about everything from the start.  Does lying make you a murderer- no.  But if it looks a like duck, walks like a ducks and quacks...than its a fricking duck!They found her guilty of providing false information to law enforcement.  Hmmmm...why would an individual provide false information?  From my non-legal experience in dealing with people, they lie when they are hiding something.  True it was a circumstantial case compiled of circumstantial evidence, but do you need to know how a person was killed to know they were killed? (Scott Peterson is sitting on death row for the death of his wife and unborn child and I believe the cases are relatively parallel).  If she drowned in the pool why was she not wearing pajamas???  I am a mother I know what kids wear to bed--- NOT denim shorts.  I am embarrassed with the outcome of this trial,  

I am likely one of the few people to feel this way about George Anthony, but I kind of liked the guy.  He always seemed like he was the only one who was thinking of Caylee and not Casey.  I know that her father was not the happy go lucky guy every one wanted him to be.  He got upset when people rallied around his house.  Yelled at reporters when they got in his face asking questions and making accusations.  He supported his daughter financially even when she was in jail!  Am I the only one who has a soft spot for him?  I really think he was the only one who did not cover up her mistakes.  I believe it is why she had such hate towards him--- he did not allow her to make him her puppet.  I think his words were "1+1=2"  when questioned.  Oh and yeah I could care less if he had an affair or not.  He was not the one on trial, and was terribly bothered that they made it such a huge deal.  George Anthony has an affair and they want to crucify him, and Casey walks? 

Cindy Anthony, definitely perjured herself.  I cannot say I would not do the same for my children.  Heaven forbid I ever be placed in her shoes.   I cannot say that I would not lie for my children if their lives depended on it.  Shoot---- I would kill for my boys, without thinking twice.  My boys are my world.  I can imagine how she sees her daughter.  I cannot imagine that anyone wants to believe that they can give birth and raise a child who could commit such an atrocity. 

However I am terribly disgusted with the reaction of Ms. Anthony’s defense lawyers.  When giving a press conference following the acquittal of their client it almost seemed like he was fighting back smiling while saying that the true victim is Caylee.  And the public celebration being shown on TV of them popping bottles in a restaurant.  How dare they--- a little baby girl is dead.  Regardless of how it occurred (although I truly believe it was NOT an accidental drowning) there is no justification for a celebration.  I am sure Cindy and George Anthony are not celebrating their daughter’s acquittal and will never stop mourning their grand daughter’s death.

I pray for Caylee’s grandparents, who likely live with the horrors of what little Caylee experienced.  I pray for the jurors who have to live with themselves and their decision to acquit...may history never repeat itself.  I pray for the world my children are living in- may their lives never cross paths with the evil that blatantly inhabit this world.