Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I had been meaning to post these a while back... We still have not seen all of the other pictures taken during the shoot but I am super anxious to see them. Monica Gras with Nostalgia Portraits took them in her studio. She has done all of our milestone pictures (engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn etc). She does absolutely beautiful work...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today's topic is ME

By just reading my title alone you likely would not guess what my post is about. Yes it is about me, but not in a blah kind of way but more of a reflective point of view. Enough with the intro--- let me get onto my topic which I am hoping will help me get some things off of my chest.

Whenever Omar and I take road trips one of two things usually happens 1) deep conversations about random things in our lives and 2) we get into an argument. This trip did not disappoint.

Our conversion started like this:
Yvette: "You think I am mean?"
Omar: "What do you mean?"
Yvette: "Do you think I am mean? There really only is ONE way to interpret the question I either am or aren't"
Omar: "Well I guess you could be, but only some times and its just you're way of being"
Yvette: "So I am mean?"
Omar: "Nah, just people think that because you keep to yourself too much. Make 'em think you're a bitch."

***That is really not a huge revelation to me folks. I know I am not that outgoing person who goes around chatting with anything that moves. It is just not who I am. Nothing to do with being stuck up or being a bitch. Although I can very well be a bitch, only if I feel that the individual merits such harsh treatment. But it still makes me sad. On more than one occasion I feel that I have been judged unjustly. For not being social I am tagged as stuck up. Which I feel is even more wrong... I think I am a relatively practical person. I just think it is ironic that the same person being labeled as a bitch/ stuck up/ other unmentionable stereotypes has her feelings hurt at the thought of being judged harshly. I pride myself in being far from those characteristics actually. When dealing with others I think I am such a loyal and faithful friend. True at times, I feel that I am a better friend to some than they are to me... but I have yet to call anyone out on it. Nor could I ever imagine doing so. I try to be absolutely genuine in my intentions and feelings... it stinks to know you are thought of so poorly amongst others. Now we all know that girls are catty, so I try not to let it bother me too much. But if you are not going to like me, at least give me a chance to be a bitch to you and give you reason. Please do not deprive me of that opportunity. After all, if you insist on passing your judgement it is only fair that I am given a chance to live up to your expectations.

As for my number 2: Being that this is my second time going through this, I have chalked up some of my off the wall rantings to post partum issues. Obviously having a baby takes a toll on your in so many ways- the obvious destruction of what once your body, sleep deprivation, non stop days, etc etc etc. However with my first I was not so obsessed with losing my pregnancy weight. But whoa with Aiden it is about all I think about. So I want to go on the record as saying the argument (I will not go into specifics about) was absolutely my fault in every which way. Ya hear that Omar? I am admitting I am wrong--- copy and paste this on to your desk top baybeh- it is not likely I will admit it again. There is no one else I would want on my team more than you... I love you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just a little tid bit of heavenly delight

I really do not have too much to chat about, I just have been taking Aiden to take some pictures and he has been too cute...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mommy-hood what a blessing

As I sit home with a stuffy nose as Omar is perched on his high chair having lunch while little Aiden Eric naps... I decided to catch up on some much needed blogging. It is sometimes therapeutic to just blabber about what we have been up.
From the picture above you can only imagine that a day in the life of me is quite riveting and eventful to say the least. That is a little tid bit from our photo session last Wednesday. It actually went better than it looks, that was snapped last (obviously). However it was not the first attempt, the one before that was absolutely disastrous. And of course, I MUST be a masochist-- why you ask? Because I have session scheduled on Monday with Monica. She did Omi's newborn pictures. I actually have waited so long to take Aiden I am not sure if she will be able to get capture the pictures I am hoping for (like she did of Omi).... of him curled up sleeping like a little ball. ((fingers crossed)) I will keep you posted on how that turns out.

So recently I find myself annoyed pretty easily. I am not even sure why at times, the oddest things do it to me too. Don't get me wrong, I get uber annoyed about bigger things... but the little things drive me nuts. For example the other day I managed to leave me phone 3 times-- in one day people!!! I had to go back for my phone THREE TIMES!!! Sheesh, scatter brained much? lol It is to the point where I find myself even getting mad at myself. I was livid with myself when I kept forgetting my phone. Poor Omar is receiving the front of this storm too. Sometimes the guy cannot win even if he tries to help, I find myself telling him that he did not clean a bottle enough or did the laundry wrong... el pobre no pone ni una. Just a word to the wise, watch out people keep your distance and already moody Yvette is moodier lately and I can't even blame it on being pregnant!

Now I know, I am not the first person in the world to have more than one child-- but whoa the adjustment is coming slowly. And actually it does not have much to do with the boys. I think the fact that I am still partially unmoved, there are boxes in what should be the office, closets are not 100% complete, new windows are still pending being installed, porch screen needs to be replaced... and the list goes on and on. I want the office to be put in order so bad too, but there just is no time for me to sit there and put the room together. It is relatively high on my to-do list though. But trivial things such as laundry, dishes, cooking and bathing the kids gets in the way (HA!). In retrospect the most titillating of my "missions" is keeping things stocked, i.e. fruit snacks for Omi, diapers in diaper bag for Aiden, clean bottles (sterilizing them), ETC. **I swear that our clothes is having sex in the hamper and reproducing not to mention the dishes** My poor poor canines, the other day I forgot to feed the dears all day. I think Peanut almost propped Coco on his shoulders to open the pantry door. I am getting better, trying to keep myself on track with lists. But there are so0o0o many curve balls thrown my way on a daily basis. I cannot remember the last time I had a hot meal-- yes I know microwaves exists but I have just grown accustom to luke warm food.

Just the other day while out and about with the boys at Michaels, I was asked how old Aiden Eric was... when I answered 5 weeks I was flustered. Has it really only been 5 weeks since this little guy came into the world??? I truthfully thought Aiden was surely 6 months old by now. Omar says he remembers what it was like to not have kids and get a good nights rest, but I don't. Maybe it is because he gets a taste of non-baby life every day when he goes to work and is on the field. All the while momma dukes is home with the kiddies where pulling a Cheerio (2 actually) out of Omi's nose is not as odd of an occurrence as it should be. I always knew that becoming a mother would be the most life altering experience imaginable. Becoming a wife was different and required some adjusting, but having two little guys (four if you count Coco and Peanut- who nearly starved the other day) depend on you for everything- its invigorating! I surely was born to be a mother, and feel lucky that I am blessed with the opportunity to stay home with these little guys. I complain and moan and groan about how they drive me nuts and how at the end of the night I am so dead that I cannot even breath without a ventilator--- but it these monsters are my life. I give it all for them, and find that me splurging consists of buying Omi new kicks and matching attired for them as opposed to buying anything for myself. I spend my day contemplating about Baptism celebrations, birthday themes, and birth announcements when I should be remembering things such as renewing my car tag! - I am over a month late in doing that guys.

So below are some pictures of what makes my world the fabulosity that it is...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Collicy baby makes for a late night post

Aiden Eric is giving me a rough night of crakiness (which with Aiden is really all day) and collic... so I decided to go ahead and post a pretty funny video of Omi. Aiden still isn't doing anything other than sleeping, pooping and eating... so no videos have been made of him as of yet. I hope to capture him and his grouchy face on a video clip soon. Here is a morsel of my little ray of sunshine.... lol

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time flies when you're sleep deprived!

I cannot believe that our little bundle of grouchiness has been here for a month! I know I said this when I had Omar, but seriously... what was life like before Aiden came into my life? Oh--- that is right a little less hectic.

Now I do not want to sit here and complain. My little Aidensito is too cute. He is fussy and always looks like he is upset; and I would not want it any other way. Although, I must admit had he been born first my two little ones would likely be further apart in age. Big Omar is still adjusting to the difference between little Omar and Aiden, he claims Aiden is too high maintenance.

But yes folks, it has already been a month since the little guy came into the world. I feel like time is zooming by--- can you believe the poor little guy has yet to take his newborn pictures? He is no longer a little newborn, but you know me ((hard headed until the end)) I have an appointment for next Tuesday to have them taken. I know they will not be like Omi's all tini tiny... but I REFUSE to have the second baby not have all the things we did for little Omar. Being a parent now, I think that is one of my biggest pet peeves. When the first born is given the world and a shrine all over the household and the second born doesn't even have a complete baby book. I am determined to not be that mom. I was the second born, so I know how it feels to look at your baby book only to realized there is no documentation of my existence after the actual day I was born.

But yes, happy 1 month birthday my little guy. Mommy loves you so much... no worries you won't go neglected or undocumented my little soon to be monster ;0) Here is a clip of when he was brought to me in my room and I was actually able to enjoy him and cuddle with the little guy.