Sunday, March 7, 2010

Collicy baby makes for a late night post

Aiden Eric is giving me a rough night of crakiness (which with Aiden is really all day) and collic... so I decided to go ahead and post a pretty funny video of Omi. Aiden still isn't doing anything other than sleeping, pooping and eating... so no videos have been made of him as of yet. I hope to capture him and his grouchy face on a video clip soon. Here is a morsel of my little ray of sunshine.... lol


TroliaFam said...

Yvette! Jack was SO COLICKY, I almost lost my mind! I learned a trick that you probably already know but its a miracle.... WHITE NOISE! Why didn't anyone tell me that about Jack? For Minnie it was blasting the kitchen sink while I walked her around in very dim light. I swear, about 5 minutes of that and she gave up the screaming... I've heard others turn on hair dryers or shop vacs... Hope you get some sleep!