Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vertically Challenged

If there is anything EVERY ONE know about me, is I’m short.  Not you’re average 5’4 short... no no no, I am 5’2 on a "tall" day.  Living in Miami it really does not go noticed too often, since most Hispanic women are not sky scrapers.  Once I leave our city, it shows and it shows BIG time.  Not to mention my husband gets a kick out of the fact that I cannot reach a lot of our cabinets and pantry top shelves.  I have grown accustom to the wise cracks and banter from my significant other.  However the silliest thing happened to me the other day while we grabbed a bite to eat at Moe’s Southwest Grill.


Yes sir...that is a quite noticeable gap between my itty feet and the floor.  What the heck!!!  Seriously, I know I am short but have never really had this problem previously.  So either Moe’s has a freakishly tall set of stools or it is quite possible I am shrinking.


Liani said...

just hang with me... you'll always feel normal :)