Friday, January 28, 2011

In case you were concerned...

YES! I alive! However with Aiden's birthday a week away I have been non stop with preparations... you KNOW how I do. I cannot believe the little monster will be a year old next Wednesday!!! This really is not a true post, just a "hi I'm still alive post" I will soon be posting some much awaited pictures from our anniversary trip to NYC and all the other recentness that is our lives. Lots of fun stuff!!! Hope to get to writing super soon. I have about 3 posts sitting in draft status I need to finish... hope to get that done soon. So keep your eyes peeled for an old new post... oxox- ME!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Work VS Work


I like to think I am lucky to be able to stay home and raise my children. Many do not have that option, and for it I am grateful to Omar that we made that commitment to our children before they were even born. HOWEVER!!!! I am sick and tired of those who are part of the “working” communities insist of making comments about it being so nice to stay at home and not “work” NOT WORK?????? Are you kidding me!!!

So I stopped and thought about what my day usually consists of. On a nice day Aiden allows me to sleep until 9am. Which for some mommies I understand is pretty late, but I get to bed very late (I’m typing at 3:14 am right now) so 9 am is EARLY. But I digress---- once I stumble out of bed, I get to make breakfast for the boys, than followed by cleaning up the kitchen of course. Let me not mention that Aiden pretty much gets a bath after every meal, because he is feeding himself these days. Omi is in the process of potty training--- more fun. Than comes lunch. Constantly cleaning up after the monsters. Dinner starts to be prepared: season meat, figure out sides, etc. Oh yes I also walk the original babies (Peanut and Coco) at least 3 times a day and refill their water and foods bowls. I am leaving out all the times the boys belt out a “MAMA” which is code for: drop what you are doing I am up to no good. After dinner, pick up table give them baths and into pjs they go. You must be wondering why Mr.. Falcon does not take part in the fun activities? He leaves just as the day is getting interesting at 3 pm and depending on the day he doesn’t get home until about 9:30. He gets home in time to be the hero who saves them from Mama who is trying desperately to put them to sleep. Most of the time bed time never happens, so we take them to my parent’s house and we head to the gym. Other day we go to the gym in the morning which just makes my day much longer. Pretty uneventful days huh? Yes and to think I have yet to fit in laundry, dishes---- I still have not even mentioned showering or bathroom breaks!!! LOL!!! So when you guys wonder why I am up to wee hours--- now you know. It is because there really is no other ME time until now. I love staying home and having my boys next to me all day, teaching them and watching them learn. But for those working friends who think I have it made because I get to stay at home eating bons bons while you slave away sitting in your office--- think again folks.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

On our way!

So finally THE trip which I began to plan last March is on it’s way to beginning.  By beginning I mean we are in route.  Just left Charlotte, NC a couple of minutes ago and boy am I stoked! 

The last time Omar and I flew was when we visited Cuba in 2009.  To be honest, it can barely be considered a true plane flight, I think it may have been 35 minutes, including taxi-ing to the gates.  But alas here we are NYC bound! 

We (more me I think) are really looking forward to going back.  I have been to quite a bit of cities, large and small but Manhattan you make my heart melt.  Every thing about it makes me school girl giggle; the shopping, the boroughs, sky scrapers, the REAL winter!!!  I already know what I want to do when we get in to the city--- shop of course :0)  But only because we decided  to not pack too much and make run for all the splendid treasures I have my heart set on buying.  LOL!  I already know that I want to make a stop at DR.Jays!  I am hoping I find the boys some fresh kicks.

o0oo0o0o0ohhhhh my boys.  I have not even been a full day yet and I am already heart aching for them.  Yes Abuela is taking good care of them as they are driving her and grandpa nuts (no doubt), but we have never vacationed without them.  Although bringing them to NYC was never an option.  For many reasons, first it really is not a double stroller kind of spot.  Getting in and out of subways I can only imagine would be a nightmare!  Plus for all I know they may sneak into a secret room in China Town (it could happen).  Last but not least, we took this vacation to celebrate our anniversary.  FIVE years since we tied the knot people!!!  Isn’t that amazing?  I cannot believe it either, wow that Omar is one lucky guy (hee hee).

So many things we have experienced in those five short years together, good, bad, ups, lows you name it!  Currently we are experiencing another first, the lady sitting across the aisle from Omar is snoring--- SUPER loud!  But yes, it amazes me how much people mesh into each other.  Obviously we have our own very unique way of being, but we have picked up so many of each other’s habits, likes and dislikes.  Another first:  Omar has been reading during the flight!  He is loving that Jay-Z book Decoded.  I began to read it too, but have found it difficult to pry it from his hands.  Hopefully I will be able to read it once he has finished with it.  At least I can blog via Windows Live Writer.  Once we get to the hotel and are settled in I may or may not upload to the actual blog.  It all depends on how sluggish we go about our first day in the city. 

Wo0o0o0o0o0o0 in the words of my oldest son!  We are only 30 minutes from landing!!!  Pretty darn excited about our anniversary dinner on Friday, catching a show, Central Park, and all the other glam!  Let me start powering down before I get scolded by the flight attendant.  More to come. . . 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 thank you for the blessings

Dear 2010,

You left just as abruptly as you stumbled in. When you first came I was pudgy and swollen, wanting nothing more than to give birth to my little Aiden; only to be thinning and fit when you left me. Just as I was getting used to having you around, you stepped out the back door without a trace! In February you blessed our family with the birth of a healthy little guy, we would soon nick name goblin. Throughout the year you were kind to our family, giving us success as both a family and as a business. Every day I watched my boys grow, and explore their constant evolving world. While you were visiting I found the strength to stay motivated and take off the weight your ugly sister 2009 watched me put on. Right before you left you watched my viejo have a short stint in the hospital, only to have him home just in time to wish you good bye. And although you were very kind to my family and I, I want to make sure I say toodles! On to the new adventures 2011 holds for the Falcon Family….

As to be expected, I have pictures of our New Year’s Eve at Omar’s parent’s house. But, before I get to that let me share 3 other pictures:

For Christmas Santa Clause left Omi an easel at my grandparent’s house. He is a regular Picaso that boy! It you look closely you can spot a drawing of what looks like a sausage person. lol


These two delicious boys enjoyed their last lunch of the year right before leaving to Abuela’s house.

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The rest are just of us doing random New Year’s Eve stuff. Little Omar danced his heart out, as he usually does. Aiden was well, Aiden i.e. HIGH MAINTENANCE.

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The first kiss of the New Year, my favorite part of the evening!


Happy New Year, may you and your families have many blessings in 2011.

Love, The Falcon Family