Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On your mark get set- CRY!

Every year Baptist Hospital hosts a crawling derby. We thought it would be fun for little man to participate. He is such an advent crawler... he for sure would be a top runner. And the event went as follows, we got there little man started to crawl all over the place showing off. Clearly he was the top crawler, fastest, best.... very dedicated. However it turns out our little guy is a choke artist! When it came down to it, and all the spec taters began to cheer Omi bawled. Not just bawled, he turned towards grandma and grabbed on for dear life... enjoy the tiny clips and pics.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

More BBQing it up---

I cannot stress how much we enjoy BBQs. And we have apparently infected our friends with the BBQ virus. For Raulitos birthday, Darlene organized a very fun BBQ at the park. Scrumptious food, fabulous cake (hmmm... mine- lol), and yes an impromptu somewhat distorted game of baseball. It was great and I actually ran, and of course almost busted my bubble. Running and I do not mix... apparently running does not mix with Darlene either. However, in our defense we were wearing chancs plus there were so many leaves that the ground was unfavorably slippery. I am sure that tomorrow we will all have lovely war scars to parade around town. Little man slept for most of the afternoon, so mommy and daddy were able to soak in the fun baby free for a bit. Plus we had a sea of babysitters eagerly waiting for him to wake up. Here are some pictures of our fun outing!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Free Country as long as you don't have to go to Cuba-

For a couple of years now my father- in- law has been telling us how for his 50th birthday he wants us all to go to Cuba. I always agreed, I have been wanting to go to the motherland for a while. But today is became a little more real... I got the "ok" from the US to visit Cuba. So we are one step closer. If all goes well we will all be Artemisa- bound (the little town BOTH our families are from) March 25. I'm pretty excited about being able to FINALLY see where my parents and grandparents grew up. I have always secretly envied my non- Cuban friends and their being able to travel freely to where they are from. I really did not imagine to be this jittery--- but I am. And more so I am already contemplating where I would like to visit and what I will have time to see. I do not even officially have my ticket yet--- but am so excited and just the thought all of the history I will finally be able to encounter.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Does everyone find him as sexy as I do?

Now I am sure you ALL know I speaking of Mr. Falcon. And I know we all feel the same about our hubbies. I would imagine if we didn't--- than well we wouldn't be with them. So, besides that. As I had mentioned in previous posts we have started to go to the gym together. It has become such an enjoyable routine actually. Not so much the working out part though- I am sure you are all terribly surprised. But the cool down after. I am becoming such a fan of the steam room. It is here that we talk up a storm and just soak it all in. At this time, it is where I begin to enjoy the fruit of Omar's work out. As we all know, right after working out everything is pumping from the work and muscles are looking extra delicious (lol). It is here that I begin to admire my husband's physique. I really wonder if everyone stays as attracted to their significant other as I find myself to Omar. I think I may find him even sexier now. It is so silly for anyone reading this, I even find his feet (yeah those ugly toes) attractive. Not to mention that I always swear that everyone is checking him out.... HA HA HA . Well I mean, it is not a laughing matter--- I really do believe that due to my chunkiness, when people see us together they probably wonder. In my brain I am always thinking, ha--- if they knew I used to be thin and hot too, they would not wonder how I pulled such a catch. Ridiculous? Well I never claimed to be sane...