Sunday, March 8, 2009

More BBQing it up---

I cannot stress how much we enjoy BBQs. And we have apparently infected our friends with the BBQ virus. For Raulitos birthday, Darlene organized a very fun BBQ at the park. Scrumptious food, fabulous cake (hmmm... mine- lol), and yes an impromptu somewhat distorted game of baseball. It was great and I actually ran, and of course almost busted my bubble. Running and I do not mix... apparently running does not mix with Darlene either. However, in our defense we were wearing chancs plus there were so many leaves that the ground was unfavorably slippery. I am sure that tomorrow we will all have lovely war scars to parade around town. Little man slept for most of the afternoon, so mommy and daddy were able to soak in the fun baby free for a bit. Plus we had a sea of babysitters eagerly waiting for him to wake up. Here are some pictures of our fun outing!