Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans

In this world we try to plan out our lives so methodically.  When we’ll finish school, get married, who will be the perfect husband/ wife, the age WE will choose to have kids, buy your first home, etc.  Truly believing that it will go as planned, because why not? Well the reality is that it doesn’t always go down as planned.  No matter how much planning you do and how many things you do correctly--- life happens.  Life sometimes can hand you lemons when you don’t want lemonade, throw curve balls your way...and other times just to mess with you it will throw curve balls with lemons!!! I’m amazed at how some deal with forks in the roads and how others just stand at the fork like an ant who has lost their way in line. 

I feel fortunate to have my world the way it is, and continue to be thankful to God for everything he has blessed my family with.

This quote to me never gets old, I love it.  It puts me in so many places, both baseball and non-baseball related and always brought comfort.  Crazy I’m not a movie buff nor do I ever look to them for inspiration, but this little clip right here is always worth sharing.


Liani said...

that's Derek and my favorite movie quote :)