Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pt. 2.2 : Video Clips

My children love to dance.  And not like eh they wiggle a bit here and there--- no no no... they LOVE to dance.  As a matter of fact when Omi was teeny tiny he would even dance to the sound of the dryer moving.  Aiden is more of a serious fellow.  But recently he too has grown a passion for dancing.  His dancing is actually pretty funny because its more of a leg twitch than anything else.  Hilarious to watch regardless. *** Let me apologize in advance for the darkness, not the brightest lit spot***

In one of the restaurants the waiters would sing "Happy Birthday" and use instruments while bringing out a cake to the guests celebrating their birthdays.  Every time the celebrating would begin both boys would jump up in their seats and begin to dance on their chairs.  Clearly not proper behavior for a restaurant, but neither was all the hooting and hollering going on by the waiters so we found it difficult to reprimand the boys.  Now my children, are the opposite of shy.  Honestly if Omi didn’t look like me as much as he does (now) I would have speculated that he’s not really my son because he is so social, and well neither Omar nor I can be classified as such.  I like to call Omi: Jimmy Carter, always smiling and waving at people.  So I was not terribly surprised when Omi called over one of the waiters and not only asked him to sing him happy birthday BUT also asked for a piece of cake.  No shame I tell you.  That little guy was ecstatic when they came out singing, dancing and playing instruments--- loved every moment.  Aiden too joined in on the festivities not allowing his big brother to out do him.

Here is that absolutely adorable kissy face I had mentioned earlier in my first vacation post.  Don’t you just want to bite him!

Pt. 2.1: Quick pictures

Since we got back it has been non stop madness!!!  So I apologize the lack of continuation to pt. 1.  On that note my friends, I’m just going to take the easy way out and post pictures we had taken at the resort.  And leave pt. 3 for another day along with the stories that go along with the pictures.

Enjoy :)

Mama and her boys


as we took this picture, my dearest oldest son literally walked up to the photographer pointed his booty in the poor unexpected man’s direction and farted on him (on purpose) and laughed.


I LOOOOOOOOOVE this picture of my monsters


I really have to give credit to the wonderful photographer who took our pictures and captured my thin side--- bless his Dominican heart 298237_239185682785917_100000834613433_600615_1112982_n   303997_239185629452589_100000834613433_600614_6033622_n 

more of the boys :)


I loved how this picture was taken.  And Omi posed PERFECTLY!312613_238717906166028_100000834613433_598738_664678_n

Totally captured them in their true monster form

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Disconnecting: Part One

Our much anticipated (by me at least) baseball- free vacation is FINALLY here!  We do usually get away for a couple of days here and there to the keys, but never truly disconnect.  So long as we’re in the states truly disconnecting is not much of an option.  Those pesky cell phones do get in the way... phone calls, text messages, emails...face book. Although I will say that I am guilty of instinctly going for my phone in order to Google a thing or two, only to remember it is not an option.  I like the idea of that actually.


I was a bit nervous about the flight.  Omi was 9 months the last time he flew.  And I think it could barely constitute of "flying" since it was just a 40 minute flight.  Aiden who is a bit more of an... ahem--- scaredy cat.  Omi loved everything about it.  And when we finally got up in the air he screamed out "We’re FLYING!!!"  it was the funniest and cutest thing.  he than proceeded to spend the rest of the flight with DVD player in tow and occasionally glancing out the window.  After all he DID insist on sitting next to the window.  Absolutely adorable!


This big boy buckled himself up all by himself.



In case you were concerned about how Aiden did during take off...he was not even aware it happened.  Little man was sound asleep on his Papa’s chest.


Once he awoke from his slumber, he went to work on his Cheetos and all was well.  We caught a little bit of turbulence during the landing, I was worried he would freak out.  He was such a trooper!  He literally said "Whoa" once and that was it.  Such big boys I have.



I am in LOVE with this picture.  My three favorite men.


This little chunkster has developed a new habit--- making kissy faces.  To die for!


I was able to take a snap shot of the boys at the beach, before they both realized that water was beyond rough and they wanted no part of the beach.

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These two monsters are all about running around like little crazies.DSCN0502 DSCN0503 DSCN0504

No you are not watching a Mariachi band, those are my two short rocks.  One of the restaurants was Mexican themed and of course they had Mexican sombreros.  My children are all about hats too.  So it was actually pretty hard to get them to take them off and walk away.

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Now this my dear friends is quite an interesting story.  Tonight they had a Magician performing.  We took the kids, and they loved it!  They danced at every moment they could.  Omi was beyond concerned about the assistant and when she disappeared and reappeared.  Throughout the entire show he asked me if it was almost done, and if he could talk to the lady.  I really thought it was just Omi’s random banter.  Anyone who truly knows my son, is very aware what I am talking about.  Ok so fast forward an the show ends, so of course everyone goes off stage.  And all of a sudden Omi begins to bawl!  Not like whimper, but I am talking about all out cry with real tears "Mama I want to talk to the lady"  Thank goodness the magician comes back to start collecting his belongings.  So Mama to the rescue...I ask him if the lady could please come back out and thank goodness she did!  Omi’s eye lit up.  I am pretty sure this may have been the first time she brings such a young one to tears over her mediocre performance.  She asked him his name and he was so excited to belt out "Omi Falcon", he than proceeded to explain that he was crying because she left.  I am pretty sure he made her day...he is quite the hottie if I do say so myself.  Aiden too joined in on the photo opt., always the follower of his big bro.  These two are definitely a piece of work.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vertically Challenged

If there is anything EVERY ONE know about me, is I’m short.  Not you’re average 5’4 short... no no no, I am 5’2 on a "tall" day.  Living in Miami it really does not go noticed too often, since most Hispanic women are not sky scrapers.  Once I leave our city, it shows and it shows BIG time.  Not to mention my husband gets a kick out of the fact that I cannot reach a lot of our cabinets and pantry top shelves.  I have grown accustom to the wise cracks and banter from my significant other.  However the silliest thing happened to me the other day while we grabbed a bite to eat at Moe’s Southwest Grill.


Yes sir...that is a quite noticeable gap between my itty feet and the floor.  What the heck!!!  Seriously, I know I am short but have never really had this problem previously.  So either Moe’s has a freakishly tall set of stools or it is quite possible I am shrinking.

Trinket update

I know you have all been on the edge of your seats wondering if I was able to resolve my accessory dilemma.  Well do not fret--- I DID!  My friend Liani and I made field trip to the mart and I must say I was not disappointed.  Although I did not find that fancy tin-material watch (lol) I did find what I was looking for.  So excited to sport the new duds.


Next ...the packing commences-

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Because I am a girly GIRL


I so excited about our impending trip to Punta Cana I already started planning out my evening outfits.  Tragic I know.  Exaggerated?  Definitely.  Excited?  VERY!

So I have been escaping to the mall here and there picking up a blouse here, a pair of shorts there, a pair of sandals which were too much of a bargain to pass up on, and maybe just maybe I also bought a dress (or two...or three).  Oh and I may have also purchased a few swimsuits.  I have justified the retail therapy by also returning the favors for Omar and the boys.  They too have acquired new swimming trunks, and evening outfits.

However this evening while Omar stepped out to the gym and boys knocked out I felt it was time to begin laying out my outfits.  And have come to grips with the fact that I am in desperate need of new trinkets and accessories.  Which only made my trip to the mart this upcoming week an absolute MUST.  To hear me you are likely feeling beyond sad for me.  You can only imagine that I have not a thing to accessorize with.  I do not have BINS stacked in my side of our closet filled with bangles, hoops, studs, wooden bracelets, linked chains, etc...or over flowing jewelry boxes that cannot fit another set of stud earrings inside of any of their compartments.  It really is such a sad sad sad thing.  But alas I do have oodles of stuff, but still cannot seem to figure out a combination that fuses with the outfits I have selected.  Oof...

Super Hero Beach BUMS!

This past weekend we went to the coolest birthday party!  It was super hero themed.  For those of you who are not up to date with the latest Marvel and DC Comic super heroes...I know most of them.  Omi is all about the Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, and Batman lately.  So you can only imagine how excited he was when I told him that his cousin Anthony’s birthday party was of super heroes.  The kid almost exploded!  What could have been better than a super hero themed birthday party???  The fact that each child was given their very own cape with their initial on it to decorate!  The funniest thing is to see a bunch of 2-4 year olds run around with capes on.  They looked like midgets, it was awesome.  My cousin really out did herself.  The candy station was absolutely beautiful!  Unfortunately I did not get a picture of it, I know I know... I am slacking.

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Now allow me to have a mommy moment.  Aren’t these the absolutely most adorable little boys you ever did see?  Yes I know they are. DSCN0431 DSCN0432 DSCN0433 DSCN0434  DSCN0436  

::sand castle pictures coming soon::