Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pt. 2.2 : Video Clips

My children love to dance.  And not like eh they wiggle a bit here and there--- no no no... they LOVE to dance.  As a matter of fact when Omi was teeny tiny he would even dance to the sound of the dryer moving.  Aiden is more of a serious fellow.  But recently he too has grown a passion for dancing.  His dancing is actually pretty funny because its more of a leg twitch than anything else.  Hilarious to watch regardless. *** Let me apologize in advance for the darkness, not the brightest lit spot***

In one of the restaurants the waiters would sing "Happy Birthday" and use instruments while bringing out a cake to the guests celebrating their birthdays.  Every time the celebrating would begin both boys would jump up in their seats and begin to dance on their chairs.  Clearly not proper behavior for a restaurant, but neither was all the hooting and hollering going on by the waiters so we found it difficult to reprimand the boys.  Now my children, are the opposite of shy.  Honestly if Omi didn’t look like me as much as he does (now) I would have speculated that he’s not really my son because he is so social, and well neither Omar nor I can be classified as such.  I like to call Omi: Jimmy Carter, always smiling and waving at people.  So I was not terribly surprised when Omi called over one of the waiters and not only asked him to sing him happy birthday BUT also asked for a piece of cake.  No shame I tell you.  That little guy was ecstatic when they came out singing, dancing and playing instruments--- loved every moment.  Aiden too joined in on the festivities not allowing his big brother to out do him.

Here is that absolutely adorable kissy face I had mentioned earlier in my first vacation post.  Don’t you just want to bite him!