Thursday, August 18, 2011

Disconnecting: Part One

Our much anticipated (by me at least) baseball- free vacation is FINALLY here!  We do usually get away for a couple of days here and there to the keys, but never truly disconnect.  So long as we’re in the states truly disconnecting is not much of an option.  Those pesky cell phones do get in the way... phone calls, text messages, emails...face book. Although I will say that I am guilty of instinctly going for my phone in order to Google a thing or two, only to remember it is not an option.  I like the idea of that actually.


I was a bit nervous about the flight.  Omi was 9 months the last time he flew.  And I think it could barely constitute of "flying" since it was just a 40 minute flight.  Aiden who is a bit more of an... ahem--- scaredy cat.  Omi loved everything about it.  And when we finally got up in the air he screamed out "We’re FLYING!!!"  it was the funniest and cutest thing.  he than proceeded to spend the rest of the flight with DVD player in tow and occasionally glancing out the window.  After all he DID insist on sitting next to the window.  Absolutely adorable!


This big boy buckled himself up all by himself.



In case you were concerned about how Aiden did during take off...he was not even aware it happened.  Little man was sound asleep on his Papa’s chest.


Once he awoke from his slumber, he went to work on his Cheetos and all was well.  We caught a little bit of turbulence during the landing, I was worried he would freak out.  He was such a trooper!  He literally said "Whoa" once and that was it.  Such big boys I have.



I am in LOVE with this picture.  My three favorite men.


This little chunkster has developed a new habit--- making kissy faces.  To die for!


I was able to take a snap shot of the boys at the beach, before they both realized that water was beyond rough and they wanted no part of the beach.

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These two monsters are all about running around like little crazies.DSCN0502 DSCN0503 DSCN0504

No you are not watching a Mariachi band, those are my two short rocks.  One of the restaurants was Mexican themed and of course they had Mexican sombreros.  My children are all about hats too.  So it was actually pretty hard to get them to take them off and walk away.

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Now this my dear friends is quite an interesting story.  Tonight they had a Magician performing.  We took the kids, and they loved it!  They danced at every moment they could.  Omi was beyond concerned about the assistant and when she disappeared and reappeared.  Throughout the entire show he asked me if it was almost done, and if he could talk to the lady.  I really thought it was just Omi’s random banter.  Anyone who truly knows my son, is very aware what I am talking about.  Ok so fast forward an the show ends, so of course everyone goes off stage.  And all of a sudden Omi begins to bawl!  Not like whimper, but I am talking about all out cry with real tears "Mama I want to talk to the lady"  Thank goodness the magician comes back to start collecting his belongings.  So Mama to the rescue...I ask him if the lady could please come back out and thank goodness she did!  Omi’s eye lit up.  I am pretty sure this may have been the first time she brings such a young one to tears over her mediocre performance.  She asked him his name and he was so excited to belt out "Omi Falcon", he than proceeded to explain that he was crying because she left.  I am pretty sure he made her day...he is quite the hottie if I do say so myself.  Aiden too joined in on the photo opt., always the follower of his big bro.  These two are definitely a piece of work.

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