Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 ... ready or not

2012 brought lots of madness for our growing family.  Can’t complain, because it also brought us lots of happiness with the birth of Ibrahim in September.  I am a huge believer in keeping it positive and only thinking of the good.  So my words to 2012, thank you for all that you gave us.  We are grateful for our family’s health and safety. 

For the new year I have a couple of resolutions that I will try to stick with.  I’ll inform you guys of them as I break them- lol.  One is to attempt to keep a better blog. With the pregnancy and birth of Ibrahim I completely neglected my little cyber corner.  And once he was born it was one holiday after another, and I just caught my breath from all of that madness.


So lets hope that 2013 is little more slow motion and lets me get back on my feet with tending to the house, church, birthday parties, and just life in general.

I hope that all of you had a wonderful 2012, and that 2013 brings only the best of things into your lives.


Liani said...

loving your positive vibes!