Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The world DULL does not exist in my world

So there are always moments when my children keep me on my toes.  I am constantly bellowing "Omi? Aiden? Where are you guys?"  For the most part Omi usually lets me know what is going on if they are not within sight.  He really is so awesome, I even ask him where Aiden is and he will look for him like the good little boy he is.  My little guy, growing up so fast.  Becoming more and more independent as the days go by.  And than there are moments which make me so glad to own a camera.

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This year Omi loved the fair!  Was so excited to ride all the carnival death traps they call rides.  Not to mention the mini tantrums which followed the "I’m sorry he is not tall enough".  For the most part he was loving everything about the fair this year.  Thank goodness, because last year he would get hysterical at the idea of climbing upon any of those metal contraptions.  Aiden is much more adventurous than big brother was, he rode the Tilt-A-Whirl and even went down on the giant slide loving life as he laughed the entire way down!  Oh to be young...

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