Sunday, April 17, 2011

Miami Ink

Back in February of 2006 (yes just a little over a month after we got married)  Omar and I got wedding bands tattooed on our ring fingers.  Obviously looking back on it, yes I knew Omar and I were crazy in love with each other but it was a pretty intense thing to do so early in our marriage.  I know you are wondering why?  And it really was because (as you all know) Omar was playing baseball and could not wear his wedding ring while playing.  ::LIGHT BULB:: tattoos cannot be taken off.  So I shared my brilliant idea with Omar and he agreed, and said since it was such an awesome idea I should take my own advice and get one as well.  My tatt is pretty much always covered by my rings, so no one ever really knows it exists...much like my other tatts (SUPER lower left back and front hip).

So fast forward five years later, it was time to get some more ink.  I had tinkered around with idea of getting something new but not sure on what or where I would go ahead with it.  Omar also wanted to get a "real" tattoo.  He was back and forth about what to get, although he knew he wanted it to be related to the boys. Again "tah-tah-dah-dah!"  Yvette to the rescue (lol!).  I thought it would look cool to get a foot print of each boy walking up his back.  We used the foot prints they took at the hospital- oh so cute and tiny.  I also wanted to have them represented on ME too, I picked a some what more subtle Celtic symbol of motherhood, with the dots representing each one of my boys. 

And without further adieu, I present to you our newly acquired ink.  the pictures are right after they were done so they look super red and swollen.  They are fully healed now, but I don’t have any recent pictures after the scabbing, plus we both have to have them retouched just to fill them in.

208714_193548110683008_100000834613433_420939_3525332_n 197428_193548124016340_100000834613433_420940_400632_n  

And just because I thought this story was pretty funny, I wanted to share.  A couple of days ago Omar’s dad gave the boys this super huge play set which included all sorts of cool accessories from an octopus to a submarine, and a bunch of figurines to match.  While Omi was taking the pieces out and loving life as he played with all the newly acquired toys, he turns to me and says with a huge smile on his face "Mama!  LOOK!!! A Papa toy!"

206395_193335067370979_100000834613433_420176_1466045_nOMG... I know you are dyeing of laughter.  I sure did.