Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Check out who stopped by

It was the day after Christmas and guess who decided to stop by and watch a little bit of TV with me???  Only to than shoot the photog with his web shooter when he realized he was being photographed.

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P.S.  I KNOW I have not blogged since the day before forever.  I have two posts sitting in my drafts section of live writer...coming soon :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Family Fun


This holiday season has been non stop madness for me it seems.  With our trip taking place so close to Christmas it really threw my world in a loop.  I was literally still out looking for some last minute presents on Christmas Eve.  Which is BEYOND out of character for me, I complete my shopping weeks before Christmas.  I can honestly say I am a little ashamed that I was wrapping presents the night before Christmas.

This year to keep my little boys on track, we had an elf (on the shelf) arrive at the house the first week of December.  Since we  had watched the ABC family movie The Elf On The Shelf, Omi was elated when there was knock on the door and he found a gift wrapped box.  That Santa is such a thoughtful guy, making sure my little boys had their very own elf to report back each night to the north pole with a "behavior report". was awesome!  Omi named him Chippy (same as in the movie, I know not the most creative but he IS only 3 don’t judge).  Every morning we looked for where Chippy was that day.  On days when the boys were not very present worthy and threats of a sack of rocks arriving on Christmas were given Omi would always go to where Chippy was sitting and quietly whisper in his ear how sorry he was.  On Christmas night when Omar told Omi it was time for him to say bye to Chippy because he had to go back to the North Pole, the tears began to flow.  Not like ugly face crying, just a teary eyed friend saying see you later.  Omi actually said "Papa, tomorrow when I wake up Chippy will be gone?" Omar tried explaining yes, and the why he had to go back home.  Omi replied "So he is going to start help Santa making my presents?  I am still going to be sad tomorrow when he is not here anymore" My heart broke--- can’t wait for Chippy to arrive next year.


Christmas day as always wonderful!  The boys were beyond loving all the goodies Santa had left for  them.  While at Noche Buena at my parent’s house when we told Omi that if we didn’t go home soon Santa might pass our house he almost had a heart attack.  Never seen him fall asleep so fast.  When woke up Christmas morning at 7:00 am (ugh!) he was so excited, quite a bit of running around took place.  Aiden was a bit more passive.  Omi was all about the gift wrapping paper ripping, Aiden on the other hand was a little frustrated that he could not de-box the current gift.  At one point he got so overwhelmed with the madness that he proceeded to take his stuffed Brobee and a package of Mickey Mouse Club House characters to his room and just lay down in his brother’s bed.  It was HILARIOUS. For the most part Aiden spent most of Christmas upset and cranky due to an early start and no nap.

We did breakfast and the usual rounds to the family’s house once the chaos at home settled down.  Christmas is my favorite holiday.  For so many reasons, but ever since the boys came into our lives it is like never before.  Since we had the boys I can honestly say that Christmas is fun again.  The anticipation and belief in old Saint Nicholas is all too fun.  And with that I leave you with all the loveliness of pictures that I took.  Lol, Santa brought me a pretty cool over the top camera which is likely why I took way too many pictures, no worries I will not drain your eyes and post all 100+.  Don’t be too judgy

Christmas Eve at my Mom’s

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Christmas morning before they were fully awake

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Let the present annihilation begin!

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Remember the story about about the Brobee and the Mickey Mouse? This is my little darling in action

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My unforgotten babies


DSCF0018 Breakfast :)

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This is his "happy" face


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And this is pretty much Aiden’s mood ALL day


And than there was dinner and the smiles made an appearance DSCF0113 DSCF0115

After naps it was time to pull out the new loot!

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I KNOW you are loving Mr.. Comfortable


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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Roots

I have been wanting to post for quite some time about our trip to Cuba, but time has just not been on my side.  So before I get even more behind on blogging let me go ahead and at least share some pictures of the beauty that is my motherland.  The scenic pictures I took around the capital of Havana.  The rest are of my family and Omar’s.  I love that by pure coincidence of life both Omar and I’s family are from the same small town turn big time new Providence of Artemisa.  So we get to visit family from both our sides.

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On our way to La Habana our car’s tire exploded--- pretty sure we all stopped breathing for a moment or two.

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Sight seeing...

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beautiful isn’t it?

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This is my favorite picture, everything about it makes me smileDSCN1214

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