Saturday, November 22, 2008

And the award goes to...

Since Omar was born I have been trying so hard to be a good mother. Attentive, nurturing, proactive, etc. So, my little story is not one I would even imagine I would admit to--- but I am. More than anything in hopes of making all you mommies aware that the horror stories you hear/ read about DO happen. Here it goes: I am working on a cake and big O is home and with little Omi. Sounds harmless so far right? Well... Omar has to dash to a lesson so he puts little O to sleep and places him on our bed. He put pillows all around him, no way he would be able to get over them and cause any harm. Omar leaves... and I continue trucking along with my cake. While I'm in the kitchen mixing some colors for frosting, I heard a muffled thump. And than--- the worse cry ever. I run to the room, and do not see Omar on the bed. I ran and see my precious little thing laying on the floor screaming at the top of his lungs. Guys, I swear my heart stopped (not sure if I was even breathing). I grabbed him and became so nervous... you cannot imagine. I tried soothing him, praying that he be ok. I held him, as tears streamed down my eyes. Where was Omar, why had he left him, why was I alone with him right now... Hysterically I call Omar and tell him the baby fell off the bed to get home now. I did not know if to call 911, jump in car and drive to ER, or just curl up into a ball and die. You can imagine, that what I truly felt like doing was the third choice. I felt like such a horrible parent, these kinds of things only happen to bad parents... don't they? And than, he looked at me with his little eyes filled with tears and his lower lip trembling he stopped crying and threw his tiny arms around my neck and held me. At that moment I knew he was ok, I don't know exactly how I knew--- but I did. I still called Omar back and asked if I should call 911 he told me he would be home in no time and would figure it out when he got there. He got home in what felt like 5 hours but was less than 10 minutes. We agreed that we would not let him fall asleep which was a task in itself being that he was likely knocked out when he tumbled. So we took off all his closed inspected him for bruises and bumps... and found none. I moved all his arms, legs, toes, fingers, you name it to make sure nothing hurt--- he was ok. His little head was no larger than usual and had no dents. I called Yulie and told her what had happened, she told me to do everything we had already done. If his crying had stopped he should be ok but to keep an eye on him. This happened yesterday and people I haven't slept well since. So does it make me a bad mom because my infant fell off our bed, which would have never happened if we had put him in crib like we should. I wonder how many parents this has happened to and since nothing fatal happened went undocumented just like Omi's tumble. We didn't even tell either set of grandparents... just to a) not worry them or b) get scolded. So in case anyone is keeping tabs... a TINY drop of rubbing alcohol fell into Omi's eye and he fell off the bed while in my care-- shit to think we want another one. Should I just quit while I'm ahead and stick to one.
On a lighter note here are some pictures of my little bear (hence the ears)... lol

Monday, November 17, 2008

"Every superwoman needs a superman"

I know I constantly rant about how awesome Omar is... but you know, can't resist. So Omar I think is pretty funny in the things he does. Anyone who doesn't know him sees him as this super tough mean guy... and than there is the truth. He is a clown, and big tough clown.. lol. So let me go ahead and explain. Let me start by saying I am a procrastinator... there is a good chance that if you looked in the dictionary there should be a picture of me but I took so long that I missed the photo shoot (lol). So on Saturday Omar goes ahead and comes with me to deliver a cake that was past its deadline. Which was so awful and I was beyond embarrassed. But anyways, it was apparently a hit and the family who ordered it were not scared away and ordered another cake for Friday. But I regress... so after he drives me to the other end of the world, he proceeds to go dress shopping with me. Another mission in itself belief me. Since baby my body has not been the same (surprised I'm sure), so I get very moody when looking or clothing. But my husband actually picked out two dressed, one which I will use for Ammer and Vanessa's wedding this Sat and one I bought for Thanksgiving but used that same night. Ok.... so, still aren't convinced on his fabulousness? Ok, long story short- this past Saturday was Killian's homecoming dance. Unknowingly we decided to go out partying to a bar on the beach, LoveHate. While looking for parking who do we see? None other than the Killian baseball team! So although we kept on our way to dancing, we left early just to go and check up on the kiddies and make sure everyone was ok and safe. Thank goodness everyone was so we went home and picked up the little one relatively early (3ish). So... Sunday, we spent all day together doing the family thing. He always takes me to do the things I want, even though he really wanted to watch the Dolphins vs Raiders game. I don't know, perhaps I just felt like bragging. But I'm sure you all feel the same about your significant others. I always feel like I am so lucky. He always lets me sleep in and takes care of the baby when he doesn't have to go to work. Goes to the cake supply store for me when I'm not wanting to drive... and oh wow--- he has totally turned himself into my chauffeur lately. I cannot remember the last time I drove without him in the car or went anywhere without him actually. Maybe its odd, unhealthy some may say--- but I love spending time with Omar. We laugh so much together, do silly dances in public, make jokes, (I know its awful but) laugh at things other people do, etc, etc! And then there are the calm times... when we just chat for endless hours, so therapeutic. It is amazing to me that since day one ups and downs included, we manage to keep it going. Granted, I guess that is why we got married. But still I find it unbelievable it will be three years we have been married soon and 4 since we started dating!!! Whoa, where does the time go? So in honor of my little rant here is a cute little throw back.

Oh, I almost forgot- here is a clip of little O. He is getting into the funniest habit of covering his face when he wants to go to sleep. At first we thought it was just a coincidence--- but check it out for yourself.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween... better later than never!

I have been meaning to post since Halloween, but never a dull moment in the Falcon household. Between cakes and cookies, Omar's Halloween pictures, taking Omi trick-or-treating, more cakes and cookies, little O turning 5 months (can you believe it!) ... blogging just does not fit in to the schedule like I would like it to.
So first things first, cakes have been going pretty great. I feel like I'm also learning lots of new techniques (online and reading books). It may sound silly but my favorite is when Omar compliments me. See while I was in school he would also tell me how awesome it was for me to get and A/ B on a paper.... so it is filling that void so to speak. My favorite is the Little Mermaid, but because I am such a kid and LOVE that movie. The grill cake was something I through together in less than a day for a (surprise- surprise) BBQ. Gio's pirate ship cake was quite an accomplishment... took about three days to complete. But it was VERY worth it and I'm sure Eileen would agree!!!!
So pretty much since October hit I was nagging Omar that I wanted to take baby to a pumpkin patch. But not like a cheesy tent pumpkin patch, a nice one with hay stacks and stuff. Ok, for those of you not from Miami--- about the hardest thing to find! A church near the house was going to have a harvest festival with hay rides and everything that we had planned on attending. Of course, it rained so much that day that I thought we were going to grow gills! So after much text messaging and searching... we found one. Little O had a great time trying to lick the pumpkins and making poop. He is too funny.

So most of you have already seen our little monkey on Halloween on myspace and facebook... but just in case you missed it!!! Here is our little monkey and his two trainers. He was such a trooper, did not fuss or get bratty. We are so0o0o spoiled with this kid.

I feel like I have already posted so many pictures. But really so much has gone on since last time. The need for updates is in order. So yesterday history took place--- no not the presidential race--- Omar turned 5 months old! HA HA HA HA!!! Of course, pictures were taken to mark the milestone. I also add a cute little pointless video of him eating. Oh my goodness--- almost forgot! Little O is sprouting a tooth! He'll never be gummy again (sniff-sniff). Which is a good thing, because lately he had been a little fussy. And if you know my son, you know that he is the total opposite of fussy. So to us this past week and a half has been so out of character for him. Imagine in just 5 short months, there are already things to consider part of his personality. Bizarre...

Should I take some time to discuss my views on the election? My gut tells me to resist. I am a registered Republican... and my darling husband is not. Needless to say we do NOT talk politics much at home to avoid conflict... lol. Nah just kidding, we're not bad at all. Slowly but surely I'm taking him out of the "dark side" and teaching him the force... LMAO! All joking aside, I did vote for Mccain. I am apparently one of the few if facebook statuses says much. Let me put it out there, not thrilled about the outcome... but it is what it is. He's going to be the future president and I pray that he doesn't mess it up. True if he does, I have the pleasure of saying I did not put him in office... but no time for blame games. The economy stinks... whoever were to be elected would have a heck of a time getting things straightened out. His ideologies do concern me, but I am trusting that Congress and Senate will do there job and keep things on the right track. It would be very ideal to see Ds and Rs on the same page, but the likely hood is slim. Funny how Omar and I were talking about how many important and ground breaking events have taken place in our lifetime. Just another one for the books... first African- American President. Although I am not a fan, congratulations to the future president are due. He did what many never imagined would happen. He managed to get people who never voted in their 70 years of life to vote (for wrong reason in my opinion, but none the less they voted). Anabel, I hope you are right and that he does strengthen the weak spots... without weakening other sectors of course. Next four years should be interesting... By the way, does he remind anyone else of Ross Perot? (the ears? no?).
And totally off topic, does anyone else remember that Bill Clinton was impeached? I am amazed with the fact that no one remembers that or the wars he lead us into. Just ranting... lol.
Two last pics of little man ;o) Smile melts my heart every time