Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Love let's go half on a son"- Jay Z

About the title, I love that song--- one of my favorite J songs really. It really reminds me of Big O and myself and our whole courtship (or rather lack of.... lol).

I cannot believe little O is almost four months old! Time appears to just be zooming by. I must say, that staying home with the little one was definitely the best thing we came up with. Since I started making cakes although my time is being taken up a lot more than before it sure beats going to the office. Although I must admit it is not as if I was working lots before Omi was born. Lol- I think I stopped working PART time some time in like April or May. But regardless... no mas. So... back from my ADD moment. Being home for all his milestones is more rewarding than any amount of salary could be. Today I went and bought him some bottles that come with handles. It looks some what like a sippy cup, but a bottle. He loves it!!! Omar is becoming so self sufficient. Makes me want to sob, he has discovered how to somewhat manuever the bottle in and out of his mouth. Sitting up is his favorite. But it is hilarious, because he likes to sit up facing outward not facing whoever is caring him. Proping him up against pillows is also something he is becoming better at. Its just he moves to much that he starts kicking his legs and well since his balance still isn't the best he starts to slowly shift downward. Funny to watch... I am sure that on Saturday I will have another rant along with some pictures to post of his four month birthday!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Picture updates

Here is a slide show of the stuff I have been up to. For this week I have two more cakes to add toward the end of the week. I have two more orders placed for this weekend!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

When the going get tough the tough "visit their parents"

Its been quite a hectic couple of days/ week. Since its been an eternity it seems, I will go ahead and give a break down of what has been going on in our lives.
Last Friday little O went for his MRI. He had to have one done of his brain and his right ear. Thank goodness everything turned out ok. As some of you may remember a bit ago his pediatrician had referred him to a neurologist because he had a lot of head lag and well--- his head was big. So I took him to two neurologists, one at Miami Children's and the other up in Doral at the Dan Marino Center. They both recommend he have an MRI done just to make sure everything was ok, and there was no fluid in his brain or any masses or tumors. For those of you who are mothers you can only imagine how crazy it was for us. In order to have the MRI done he had to be put under general anesthesia and possibly entubated. Horrible- horrible--- HORRIBLE experience to go through. Yeah I know, they told me it was a procedure that they do everyday blah, blah, blah... but not everyday to MY baby. We got there at about 7:30 am and he did not get out of recovery until about 1:00 pm. I wanted to die. Thank goodness Yulie (the BEST nurse in all of Miami Children's) came to see me and was able to give me the fabulous news that little O had been so good that they did not need to entubate him during the procedure. SO after what appeared to be an eternity, Dr. Martinez called me around 4 pm and informed me that the MRI came back perfectly fine. So basically my little one's diagnose is he has familiar (thanks to his momma's big ol' head) macrocephaly aka is just a "cabezon" which is the best news they could have ever given me. The other portion of the MRI (on his right ear) was because he has a small hemageoma (I guess you could call it some what of a beauty mark/ small mole) on his ear and the ENT wanted to make sure it was just on the cartilage and had no roots. Again, more GOOD news MRI showed it was just cartilage and had no roots so basically all they can do for now is just observe it.

On the weekend we went to our friend's art gallery for a show. It featured about four or five artists. It was not "fun" fun, but it was entertaining. Not sure how interested y'all are in modern art, but there is a link to their site RDZ art gallery.
Last week Omarito slept in his room for the first time. I was so heart broken, he on the other hand was loving the aquarium thing we have in the crib. I guess at that age it does not take much to keep him entertained, but he was having a grand ol' time talking up a storm and all! Of course, he is my son and I expected to say he is cute and beautiful, etc--- but oh my goodness he is just the darlingest thing I ever laid my eyes on. Amazes me every day that Omar and I made this little guy--- what a heaven sent miracle.

And on Monday D landed in Miami. True it was not a planned visit, but so far has turned into quite a great one.... at least for me. How selfish must THAT sound eh? Bueno, although she was not up for it she accompanied me to a fondant cupcake class where we made the cutest cupcakes together. Or as Omar called them, gooey cupcakes. I really enjoyed it so much. I could not wait to get home and continue working on some of them. So after tinkering around with loads of fondant I showed Omar my creations with such excitement. I felt so accomplished, lol... one of my favorite things is having Omar compliment something I have made.
So after much back and forth of conversations of a home business I could start to keep myself busy while at home, we decided to try cakes. So I went ahead and emailed basically everyone on my address list letting them know of my new endeavor. I had no idea I would receive such quit feedback. I already have my first order of cupcakes! Imagine, I sent out the email on Thursday by the end of the day I already had an order for Saturday. I agreed since it is a pretty simple order of cupcakes. It is for a child's birthday party that has a carnival theme. So my little cracks started turning and came up with a fabulous idea for the cupcakes- popcorn! Odd you may think? But I placed mini marshmallows on top of the cupcakes and with yellow food coloring and water painted them yellow. I am pretty dead tired so I will have to post the pictures tomorrow or perhaps on Sunday. In order to put my stuff out there I decided to go ahead and send free samples to the offices of people I know, etc. So I will also be posting some pics of those finished products as well. I am actually pretty excited about the whole thing. My next little mission is to come up with a cute name that is not too cheesy. Granted I would like to come up with something clever, but I would really try to keep away from the names with "cake" in it and stuff.
Tomorrow our little group of friends will be getting together for a picnic. I really can't wait. It will be the first time Anabel and Rose meet little O. Not to mention its been over a year, quite possibly two since we were all together in the same place. How wonderful will it be for us to all catch up for our traditional hours and hours of endless chisme chatting! We so0o0o0o need some updated pictures of our little grupito ;o)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grateful for what I don't have that I didn't want

I just wanted to take the time out to post a little rant, nothing long or any pictures involved. I was just laying in bed while Omar watches football and became inspired ;o)

Being married is always a never ending adventure for us. Ups and downs, but always on the same level. I really cannot complain. Spending lots of time at home with little O leaves a whole lot of thinking time. And not like brain storming thinking, but deep pondering. As I hear from old and new friends about their lives and where their endeavors are taking them... I really must say I am truly fortunate. It is always so easy to think of all the negatives, and all the things you wish would materialize into reality already. While having day in and day out to stop--- and take a look from the outside in somewhat, I realize how fabulous it is to be me. HA HA HA HA HA, full of myself I know. But sincerely, we have both sides of the fam at a drop of a dime, a healthy child, a source of income, home, healthy marriage, etc. It always is much easier to bitch and moan about all the things you want that you don't have. Just putting everything into prospective, whoa we're super lucky in life. I truly wish that everyone if not now, soon has the opportunity to feel as blessed as I do right now.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Add on to last post

In my last post I mentioned how big little O was getting. I really didn't post any pictures of his new adventures though. Here is a slide show of all his latest milestones! Enjoy!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mission COMPLETE!!! Atleast the first one that is

What mission did I complete? Well I have like a million which are on my "to-do" list but one of biggest goals was to reach 150lbs again. Yeah I know, not that thin but sure is a lot less than 194 lbs (which is what I weighed right before Little O was born)! Talk about a fat butt eh? So now that I have successfully reached 150 (fyi pre- preggo weight) the next goal is five more lbs. Of course the end goal is to TRY and I do stress T-R-Y to get to about 130. However I am planning to reach that long term goal with a couple of small term 5 lb goals at a time.

And oh my goodness how did I forget to post yesterday!!! Yesterday was my little cherub's 3 month birthday!!! Unbelievable how much he has grown and changes in just three months. I find myself at a loss of words to think that just 3 months ago Omar and I became parents. I have heard it time and time and again from everyone who has children but until you have your own you never realize "how time flies" and the ever popular "enjoy them while they're little, they grow before you know it". I can't believe this time last year He had already started his journey in mommy's belly! o0o0o0o0o... where does the time go ;o)

Last but not least here are some of the picture I had promised from Omar's birthday. Although I posted them on facebook, myspace, etc... just in case you did not get a chance to see them on there. I also have a couple of more photos from Omi's baptism as well. They are pretty similiar to the ones posted previously, but regardless.

And now all ten pictures that were taken at Omar's birthday. Lol... lots of people came but few took pictures. So for those of you that participated but were not the select few which were caught on camera--- it may be a good thing (lol... most people were drinking a lot).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So sorry

I know I said I would be posting new pictures up soon... sorry I lied. Well not really lied, just no chance I am going to do that tonight. Next posting will be strictly of pictures- no rants what so ever! Just wanted to mention to click on the new link for my other blog and take a look at what I have been up to. Nothing too spectacular, just you know the everyday stuff here and there crafts. Ok... no mas hablando mierda...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Action packed doesn't even begin to describe it!

First and foremost.. I want to wish Omar a Happy Birthday! Finally he is 26--- I do not have to hear about how he is younger than me. At least until February... lol. I hope you enjoyed your birthday party/ BBQ. Lots of love and work went into making your day special. I hope you enjoyed it as much as Frankie did- LMAO!

Lots of pictures to upload of course. Plus there are photos that I never uploaded from Omar's baptism. I would hate to make it just a rant about nothing and a just a picture posting frenzy. But oh well, I am beyond exhausted. I may not even post the pictures now anyway since Heidy has some of today's pictures on her camera as well.

Here are a couple of nice pictures from last Sunday's ceremony. Enjoy... I'll soon be posting some pictures of today's party.

Proud God Parents, Javi and Cam