Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Are four better than one???

Before I begin my rant I want to apologize if I come across materialistic or snobbish. I am really just feeling excited and proud all at once.

Last Christmas when Omi asked me what I wanted for Christmas I had told him I wanted another wedding band. No, not to replace the one I currently had but to go on the other side of my solitaire. I had seen how it looked on Liani (feeling admired?) and I absolutely loved it! So Christmas comes and goes and no ring... I believe I got lots of other stuff. Quite honestly I can't remember what exactly. But since our anniversary is so close I for sure thought it would not be long before Omar would "surprise" me with the other band. How dirt bag must it sound of me to say that I did not receive the band but diamond earrings instead? Yeah it sounded just as bad reading as it had in my brain. I love my earrings and take them off only if my necklace does not match them. Valentines and my birthday came and we did other things... lol, no ring. I had given up hope--- than June 4 came around. While I am in recovery after Omar was born big Omar comes in with a teddy bear holding a small box. Now for sure my band is in this little box---- nope! (again dirt bag Yvette, I know). Inside the box my thoughtful husband had gotten me a mother child pendant. Again, I wear it all the time... absolutely LOVE it. So it is August and all hopes of this pesky wedding band are gone. There are no holidays coming up until December so the likely hood is slim to none. Well what do you know... Mr. Falcon got me the ring. I would be lieing if I said I hadn't dropped a hint or two. But like I said, with no holidays or special occasions I was not expecting it to actually happen. So here I am typing up my little blog about being happier than a pig in mud with my new band and loving how breath taking they all looked mushed together on my finger.
Tah- Dah!!! (pardon the chipped polish)So why the title four better one? Ah... well let me get to explaining that one. Now with this band, I have a total of four rings. One solitaire, two bands, and one tat! Granted now with the second band you really can't see the tat- but I'll go ahead and post a pic for those who had never seen it before.
(Omar has a matching one with a Y)

Oh and in case any one is wondering... my earrings and pendant look even better now with my new band. lol!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Family--- one of the best ways God shows us love

Earlier today I was given the privilege to become my cousin Angie's youngest son, Danny's Godmother. I was accompanied by my other cousin Jose as the Godfather. It was actually one of the most pleasant experiences I have endured in a while. You know it cannot hold a candle to the day Omar was born... but you know what I mean. I felt very honored that Angie and Alex (her husband) chose me to be person to give Danny spiritual guidance throughout his lifetime. Although in thought it seems like a pretty intense responsibility, it is definitely a responsibility that I do not mind being burdened with. Here are some pictures of today at the church and than later at Angie's place.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Milestones

Becoming a mother has made me realize how precious life is. I always new it was, and never took it for granted but the actual intensity of it had never hit me until now. Last week when little Omar had his doctor's visit, he was diagnosed with "head lag". Although thank goodness it is nothing severe, I still cried. Omar of course is working doing his thing so I don't have to--- the down side? I have to go to doctor's visits alone. Because the little guy decided to not do a thing, complete laziness my fabulous Daysi wanted to rule out a couple of things so blood had to be drawn. That was just about the most horrible/horrifying/ terrible (unexplainable) thing I have ever had to experience. My little man did not just cry---- he screamed! I cried and cried and cried some more. Worse case scenerio? They were not able to even get a good vein so no blood could be drawn from his little arm. They had to than try from his precious little foot. Oh and did I mention that the poor little guy was also given two shots? Yeah I am still not sure who had a worse day, me or him? Because he was not lifting his head up as he should at this point I was referred to a neurologist in order to receive a better diagnosis of his developmental delay. The best prescription for head lag you may ask??? More tummy time. Omi HATES tummy time, to the point where he does not even like laying tummy to tummy with big Omar anymore because he associates that with tummy time poor angel. He has gotten so much better recently, a complete turn around. Still hates tummy time, but is holding his noggin up for minutes at a time now and looks all around. It is such a relief to see this improvement... I get teary eyed just thinking about it.
Here are some pics of just one of our tummy time sessions...
Hating tummy time to the fullest...
Tummy time boycott

He isn't too thrilled about the bumbo seat either... lol

Monday, August 11, 2008

Too funny to not share...

As most of you know we are definitely big fans of hip-hop. And I am glad to say that it seems as if our little fat boy is going to follow in our foot steps... of course, this could also just be a coinsidence- enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

when limited wardrobes strike

Now I thought that once I had my little bundle of chunks I would soon fit into my clothing... WRONG!!! Seems that no matter how much weight I feel I have lost or how thin I make myself believe I look... things just don't fit right. I have heard it all, its only been two months, you just had a baby, etc, etc, etc. But I am done with being fat!!!! It is difficult to get into any kind of routine at the moment, since I am on Omi's schedule as opposed to him being on mine. Good news though... some of the post pregnancy clothes I went out and purchased (I was in a in between stage of not fitting into maternity clothes or my clothes) is feeling loose and although snug - ok TIGHT I can wiggle into some of my clothes. However truthfully I find myself confined to a limited wardrobe, a uniform some would describe it. Omar has repeatedly told me to purchase more clothes and stop with the whining, but I am so resistant. I'm convinced that if I go ahead and start buying new clothes that I will not feel the need to continue project "pre-prego weight". Which is going better than one would imagine. Especially since honestly I'm really not doing much to burn any calories. Except stand in the scorching sun for an hour while I grill burgers and hotdogs five days a week at Omar's camp (which is going very well thank goodness). Next week I am most likely going to start a de-tox, and from there the diet will begin. Last year I purchased the book Juicing for Life, it is not the funnest but it works. Finally my rings are beginning to fit me how they used to, not big but not tight--- just perfect!
Last but definitely not least... Happy Birthday Tata (brother's nickname- I gave it to him when I started talking and it stuck). I can't believe its been two years since I have actually been in town to spend it with you!!! MUAH!! ((hugs)) I love you tons!!! **Look!!! we were both thin here!!! YAY!!!**

Monday, August 4, 2008

when boredum strikes

Hey aLL... just here at home not able to sleep and decided to post some pics of the little guy. He is beginning to smile on purpose and it cracks us up every time he does it... it NEVER gets old!!! Coco also participated in tummy time, but did not stick around long enough for a picture.
Omar and Peanut during tummy time

He loves the mat that Cam (soon to-be Madrina) got him

So although being a new mom keeps me pretty busy most of the time I have found time to continually expand the creativity. As usual (for all our events in the past) I made Omar's baptism invitations and finally mailed them out. I also went ahead and made the prettiest little crosses which will be placed inside the flower vases... took forever to come up with the perfect size and shape. But much worth the effort I would like to think. Imagine that I not only was able to get all the invites out, and make the crosses... I also was able to finish the little rosaries (which match both the cross and invites OF COURSE) however since I placed them in small favor boxes they're not pictured. There is not much left to do to prepare for the baptism. The church has been "reserved", invites are out, decor is complete, cake is suppose to be ordered (my goodness Cam you cannot forget!), luncheon location reserved, ok ok ok... so I need to order the food still. But in my defense I know exactly where we will be ordering it from and what it will be. Oh and this weekend I practiced the cupcakes I wanted to make as well... how cute are they! They are a rough draft though. The actual marshmallow portion will be slightly colored on the top to look sparkly, but not tacky sparkly. Also while I was in the mood of baking and decorating I got inspired to work on something else. Now I know what you are thinking, Little O is only 2 months old and this is probably nuts. But we already know what we want his first birthday to be of... Sesame Street. Since I had extra green frosting left over I went ahead and also practiced an Oscar the Grouch cupcake. Yeah can we say B-O-R-E-D? Well at least I get to eat them!

I am hoping that some time this week I will be able to complete my pregnancy scrapbook. I have been meaning to finish it, but something always seems to keep me from it. My to-do list seems to grow and grow... and well my poor scrapbook just isn't a priority so it gets pushed further and further down the list. Maybe this week will be the lucky week. Of course it will definitely not be tomorrow. In the morning I am going with Omar to the camp to collect weekly dues for the camp and like every day prepare the lunch. Later in the afternoon we are taking the little moquito to take some pictures. Tuesday Omi gets his second round of shots, and I am most likely going to the optometrist to have my RX renewed (fun fun fun fun). Hmmm... perhaps the scrapbooking will have to wait another week.