Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Are four better than one???

Before I begin my rant I want to apologize if I come across materialistic or snobbish. I am really just feeling excited and proud all at once.

Last Christmas when Omi asked me what I wanted for Christmas I had told him I wanted another wedding band. No, not to replace the one I currently had but to go on the other side of my solitaire. I had seen how it looked on Liani (feeling admired?) and I absolutely loved it! So Christmas comes and goes and no ring... I believe I got lots of other stuff. Quite honestly I can't remember what exactly. But since our anniversary is so close I for sure thought it would not be long before Omar would "surprise" me with the other band. How dirt bag must it sound of me to say that I did not receive the band but diamond earrings instead? Yeah it sounded just as bad reading as it had in my brain. I love my earrings and take them off only if my necklace does not match them. Valentines and my birthday came and we did other things... lol, no ring. I had given up hope--- than June 4 came around. While I am in recovery after Omar was born big Omar comes in with a teddy bear holding a small box. Now for sure my band is in this little box---- nope! (again dirt bag Yvette, I know). Inside the box my thoughtful husband had gotten me a mother child pendant. Again, I wear it all the time... absolutely LOVE it. So it is August and all hopes of this pesky wedding band are gone. There are no holidays coming up until December so the likely hood is slim to none. Well what do you know... Mr. Falcon got me the ring. I would be lieing if I said I hadn't dropped a hint or two. But like I said, with no holidays or special occasions I was not expecting it to actually happen. So here I am typing up my little blog about being happier than a pig in mud with my new band and loving how breath taking they all looked mushed together on my finger.
Tah- Dah!!! (pardon the chipped polish)So why the title four better one? Ah... well let me get to explaining that one. Now with this band, I have a total of four rings. One solitaire, two bands, and one tat! Granted now with the second band you really can't see the tat- but I'll go ahead and post a pic for those who had never seen it before.
(Omar has a matching one with a Y)

Oh and in case any one is wondering... my earrings and pendant look even better now with my new band. lol!