Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chaos is my middle name

Alright so I was not given a middle name by my parents- but had they decided to grant me one it would definitely have been chaos.  These past couple of weeks although I am happy to report I have been feeling much more energetic, they have just been way too non stop for a pregnant lady.

I have had birthday party after birthday party every weekend.  Which I do not mind- at all… I love taking the boys to parties and getting them nice and tired and than bringing them home :)  I am pretty sure I have had the privilege of making all the little one’s birthday cakes which we have attended too!  Again, totally not complaining!  So just this month in cakes alone (probono and orders) I have had my hands full! 

This was for the cutest themed tea time party

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Baby shower, baptism, wedding, business anniversary… you name it- I did one this past month!



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A very special little baby girl named Lia’s first birthday <3


This one cake had rave reviews from both the birthday boy’s parents and any one else who had an opportunity to see it.  I loved the brightness of it all and enjoyed designing it using the mommy’s ideas.  Needless to say I was proud as a peacock over it :)


Now this beauty was the beyond a pleasure to make.  Why might you ask?  Well because it was for one of the most specialist little boys in my world, my oldest Omar.  For the most part when it comes to the boys’ cakes I do not go too over the top with accessories and details.  Pretty much because I am running around with all the other birthday stuff.  Since we went ahead and had his birthday at an indoor party location again this year I had the time and lack of stress to sit down and actually draw it out before I started.  The true task was not having either boy dismantle it.  Oh and did I mention it only took me 3 hours to put together and complete?  I know that seems like a lot of time, but not when it comes to creating a cake.  So yeah… high five me! (fyi I am going to give Omi and his birthday their own post… so be patient I am trying so0o0o hard to catch up here!)


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I think in the only one not pictured is sweet little baby Andrew’s Popeye cake.  Which due to the poor little guy being sick a couple days before his big first birthday made the evening before utter madness for me.  I also made him the cutest cookies which were placed on tables in the centerpieces.  I am just waiting on a Mrs.. Reyes to hook me up with the pictures from the little one’s birthday so I can go ahead and post his cake picture too!

Hmmm… So I am going to try to go in order as best I can, but no promises because the ADD is kicking in full forth lately.

So on May 21 my oldest (and let me clarify I do not mean she is an old lady but we have been friends since 6th grade- she gets a little touchy on that wording)turned 30.  I am most likely going to get extra sappy and will like to go ahead and credit the pregnancy for it.  But it amazes me that 1) we have known each other since we were 12 and getting to that 20 year stretch of friendship (AMAZING!) 2) we can say we have known each other our entire adult lives (which is scary when you stop and think about us being ADULTS!) 3)Omar has known Cam since kinder, so amazing that our circle of friends really is tightly knit and 4) our boys are all so close in age we are having the chance to watch them grow up together.  I know I am a month late, but happy birthday Cameron- you deserve only the most beautiful things in life (and you have them, your boys).  I am so glad that after so many years we still get to spend our birthdays together.  Omar really wished he could have gone to dinner with us all, but glad we got to at least have a kinda sorta birthday lunch with you ;)  Lo0o0oVe you!

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And than there is  this little girl, her name is Lia Marie Antelo… and can I tell you that I am a little obsessed with her.  You see, I do not have myself a little girl.  So her beautiful mommy Liani allows me to live vicariously thru her- lol.  She is so yummy that when I see her I have to restrain myself from taking a bite.  Omi is also in love with her.  But honestly he just likes girls in general so I try not to get my hopes up yet.  Although I am really pushing for one of the boys to end up with her :)  She turned one on May 23, they celebrate the big day the weekend prior.  Unfortunately Miami weather licks and it rained all day.  However the party looked phenomenal!  Although everyone involved had to scrimmage and make it an indoor party last minute- it was great!  And all of her mommy’s hard work showed.  Everything was beautiful my friend, love you :)

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With that said,  we also are in the process of re-doing the boy’s room.  They are no longer in a toddler bed and crib.  The big boy bed transition is in full effect.  They really do look so tiny in their new beds.  We opted to go with bunk beds.  Which I am totally in love with.  Since they are still pretty young we went with the beds which have stairs instead of a ladder.  At first the excitement was all about the top bunk and both boys were fighting over territory.  Since than they have settled their difference and Aiden has migrated to the bottom bunk and has learned to deal with it.  Every so often he visits his older brother on top, but has come to terms with sleeping on his bed.  Not to mention HATES when Omi decides to visit.  It makes for quite the adventures at nap time in our home.  I have yet to take any pictures because it really is still a work in progress.  Don’t judge- I AM 21 weeks pregnant and do a little bit at a time.  The walls are painted, super hero decals are up, and furniture is all in place.  But I am still working on the small mural with their names on it, cleaning our their toy bins and chucking the old a battered toys.  I really am hoping to get it all taken care of before our new living room furniture comes in.  Another battle awaits me with that one.  Not to mention the office which is in transition mode to a nursery.  So you see I really do have every excuse in the book as to why my blogging has been slacking. 

With all the extra stuff piled on top of the “normal” day to day it really is amazing that anything gets completed in our house.  Which is likely why I have so many half done projects piled all over.  My next order of business is the baby shower.  Which I am trying to keep small, but we have such a large family and close friends it really is difficult to cut some out.  Plus I really cannot just have like a platter of veggies and cake.  I love all the extras, the bows, the decorations, invitations, knick knacks and diy projects.  It really is no wonder I am non stop.  I am pretty sure once #3 makes his grand entrance I will have to make some more adjustments.  But since I really do have such a go with the flow approach, I think he will just fit perfectly with our bunch.  I am already starting to feel him doing all sorts of stuff in there.  He is non stop just like the rest of our brood.  I am so eager to meet him, see what he looks like, his personality.  To think we still have such a far road ahead before he joins us… I cannot wait!

And here my dears are our day to day antics… the boys first basketball game, baseball game, build-a-bear… you name it!


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