Sunday, August 29, 2010

When bad friends happen to good people

I would first like to say that thank goodness the title has nothing to do directly with me. However over the weekend I heard a story which made me sad, so here I am blogging away about the topic.

Now I really thought that friendship drama much like he said she said drama had disappeared along with the high school years. Turns out I was very wrong, and there are still some stragglers living in the high school state of mind.

Over the weekend while having some random banter with a close and dear friend, she told me some insanely disturbing news. How one of her closes friends, now I am not talking about close friend of the moment- I am talking about known each other since the day before forever sort of friend had a falling out. Not too serious right? Well it turns out that it was due to one friend looking out for another and the other believing a friend of the moment. I really thought that good solid friendships were just that...

Has this really happened to any one else recently?

I suppose that the whole odd ordeal made me treasure the friendships in our lives much more. So often we complain about all the things we would rather change as opposed to the wonderful things we are blessed with. I have a handful of individuals which I hold an inconceivable friendship with, 3 of which I have known since I was 12- and one of those I married! The other I met when I was 15 and the last 2 I met as an adult. Thank you guys for being who you are. I am glad I do not have any crazies lurking around waiting to turn on me (lol).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Amazing what an Omar free day can accomplish!

There are days when I cannot remember what life was like before the little ones came into the world. And than there are days where I wish I had just a fraction of the free time I used to, not to go out and party... no no no- to clean the house and do laundry. Who would have thunk it?

Last night we left Omi and Aiden and my parent's house like we always do to make it for our late night gym sessions. Before the kids I never went to the gym- of course there was also NO baby weight to get rid of. And now I am slowly but surely turning into a gym rat! There are nights when I am up for the gym but O isn't... who would have imagined that day would EVER come! The evenings when we can't find a sitter I get slightly annoyed that I am not able to go. Yes I know (and O has offered to stay with the boys and let me go alone) I could go alone and not have us both go, but I am not that into the gym. HA HA HA HA... I need that gym buddy to keep me going. Actually I just think Omar looks pretty darn hot while working out and cannot resist watching him do curls. BWAHHH HA HA HA HA!!!

W-H-O-A did I get off on a tangent or what? Ok, so back to the whole leaving the boys at my moms. So when we were done and went to pick them up little Omi had knocked out. And out of utter fear that he would wake up and not go back to bed until like 3 am, we optioned to let him sleep over abuela and grandpa's house. Which worked out so0o0o0o nicely- as luck would have it big Omar had a couple of meetings today as well. So it was just little Aiden Eric and myself. It is nice to get some mommy and Aiden time together. With all the madness that constantly surrounds our lives, it is hard to get time with the little guy. I feel like Omi had so much mommy and daddy alone time- that it is not fair you know.

Besides that--- I was FINALLY able to unpack some more things. Yes you read correctly. I am fully aware that we closed Dec 28. In my defense however I WAS 34 weeks pregnant. So yes, the office is still a wreck. I hope that before Aiden turns one that may (and I stress may) be complete. I did however accomplish quite a bit today in just a couple of hours. I was able to put up all the shelves in the boys' room, the window valance along with the pictures of their (a'hem) newborn pictures. Shame on me- I know... don't be judgy (LMBO!). Another accomplishment? I placed all our portraits in frames as well. I hope to place them on the walls one day ::sigh::

Oh I also finished and hung the shelves in our bedroom, I had been meaning to get that done for such a long time. I was definitely patting myself on the back after finally getting those up. Oh- I also changed the curtains in the office. Which is really a bigger task than it sounds, getting to the windows is a challenge in itself. While in the labyrinth, I started to put up my shrine to the husband's career (lol). Not to much really, just some of the plaques and baseball action pictures.

We really have been knocking out our to-do lists lately. Even Omar has gotten in on the fun. Any one who knows anything about Mr. Falcon knows that he and any home repair work do not mix. But ladies and gentlemen he has taken on the task of re-screening the patio. Do not check your eyes, you read correctly. For the most part I do the majority of the home fixin' up around here and anything I am not able to do physically or just plain don't know how to... I get my good ol' dad to help with. But O was looking over my to-do list on the fridge and has also volunteered to do the pavers out back too! Leveling out there has not been an easy task- but lucky for him he got some help!
I really cannot wait to get all this fun stuff taken care of. I really only have a couple of things left- a little shelf for dining room and the hunt for a book case for the office. For the most part I hope to be done in time to gear up for the holidays. I LOVE the holidays... I can't wait!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Two Peas in a pod???

Remember my last post about the random Sesame Street eye balls staring at me in the kitchen??? Ok so little Omar has been good about keeping his toys out of the kitchen and spooking his mama out. But this evening as I was doing the usual clean up after the monsters ritual... I found the most peculiar thing. It appears, that the Joker and Super Grover are way tight. Yup! Did you know they go to school on the Sesame Street bus? They really do... and turns out they are driven there by the Little People's bus driver. Who knew?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ok so every so often I have a request for a cake that I can honestly say I do not care much for. Yesterday I made one of a UFC ring. Not only did I not care to make the cake initially, but I had ZERO desire to make the fence. Which I first told the client that I would not be including it with the cake and she would have to go about "making it happen" on her own. However since she had no luck in problem solving I came up with something--- using extra pieces of patio screen and lollipop sticks. Here is a the finished product... after dragging my feet with the construction of the cake and realizing that I had first made a hexagon and not octagon I actually liked the end result. So here it is.. only because I am slightly proud of the fence.

p.s. my favorite part is actually the bottom border.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Harry Houdin has nothing on us!


We have definitely been M.I.A. (and not because we live in the Mia either). Pardon the cheesiness and lack of posts. However I believe that it is an epidemic, because most of the blogs we follow have also been slacking. I am just going to chalk it up to parenthood and loads of back and forth to the Keys, and of course baseball fields. The little guys too have been up to quite a bit. To be honest I am torn between making this a post solely of pictures documenting our day to day adventures or looking back at the calendar and start with the stories.

No worries people I will not drag this out longer than it should be. First I feel like I need to do some ultimate cheesy boasting... you guessed it about Omar. This summer the guy has been all over the place, from traveling to practices to tournaments, etc... and today was the last weekend of the "summer" ball activities-- you made it baby! We made it! With quite a nice and even tan I might add. Although you and your baseball tan (baseball wives KNOW what I am talking about) were an uphill battle, it too got evened out (LMBO!). I am so proud of you Omi, you took a risk and are thriving- I love you.

These clips were broadcasted on television (locally and in South and Central America) regarding a tournament that FBC's teams participated in. The kids were pretty excited about seeing themselves on tv, and little Omar got a kick out of watching his Papa on tv too!

Also--- congrats to ALL the FBC boys! This summer was a pleasure. Thank you to all the wonderful parents who are raising such fine young men. We look forward to the upcoming summer/ fall league. Dontcha just love that Miami baseball is year around? BWAH HA HA HA!!!

To think that in such a short period of time, little O has done so much! To believe that he is growing up so rapidly. Although I do try, it has been impossible to document it all. The most spectacular things come out of his mouth, he is so witty. Not to mention how independent he is becoming. And let me not get started on the potty training and what an adventure that is turning out to be (a post all in it's own!). He has pick up quite the little John impersonation (I am too proud... however we will have MAJOR issues if he asks me for CRUNK juice)

Not to mention we have begun to show him the value of a hard day's work courtesy of Abuelo Pedro

Not to mention how he has become quite the aquatic monster. He was a little hesitant at first to be mommy and daddy free, but once he got the hang of it he wanted NOTHING to do with us.

These guys have become the Falcon Family mascots, they appear randomly all over the place. At times there are just pieces of them, it gets a little eerie to find a set of Cookie Monster eye balls staring at you from the kitchen counter.

My big little guy is becoming such a wonderful big brother. I must admit, Aiden Eric does not make that task easy, as his Papa says "he is high maintenance". But my little O is learning to be patient and even sharing (from time to time).

I feel like I have been typing for an eternity.. so although there is much more to elaborate on I will cut this short. And who knows perhaps it will be less than a week (or month) before I am able to sit and post. Speaking of my big little guy.. he just creeped into our bed. Good night folks!