Sunday, August 29, 2010

When bad friends happen to good people

I would first like to say that thank goodness the title has nothing to do directly with me. However over the weekend I heard a story which made me sad, so here I am blogging away about the topic.

Now I really thought that friendship drama much like he said she said drama had disappeared along with the high school years. Turns out I was very wrong, and there are still some stragglers living in the high school state of mind.

Over the weekend while having some random banter with a close and dear friend, she told me some insanely disturbing news. How one of her closes friends, now I am not talking about close friend of the moment- I am talking about known each other since the day before forever sort of friend had a falling out. Not too serious right? Well it turns out that it was due to one friend looking out for another and the other believing a friend of the moment. I really thought that good solid friendships were just that...

Has this really happened to any one else recently?

I suppose that the whole odd ordeal made me treasure the friendships in our lives much more. So often we complain about all the things we would rather change as opposed to the wonderful things we are blessed with. I have a handful of individuals which I hold an inconceivable friendship with, 3 of which I have known since I was 12- and one of those I married! The other I met when I was 15 and the last 2 I met as an adult. Thank you guys for being who you are. I am glad I do not have any crazies lurking around waiting to turn on me (lol).


Liani said...

Super intense, but with every bad thing comes a good. And the truth is that when you find out people's true colors your able to keep the good and throw out the bad. There are many good people out there and your energy shouldn't go into anything less then that.

Thanks for caring so deeply friend! Love you!