Thursday, August 19, 2010


Ok so every so often I have a request for a cake that I can honestly say I do not care much for. Yesterday I made one of a UFC ring. Not only did I not care to make the cake initially, but I had ZERO desire to make the fence. Which I first told the client that I would not be including it with the cake and she would have to go about "making it happen" on her own. However since she had no luck in problem solving I came up with something--- using extra pieces of patio screen and lollipop sticks. Here is a the finished product... after dragging my feet with the construction of the cake and realizing that I had first made a hexagon and not octagon I actually liked the end result. So here it is.. only because I am slightly proud of the fence.

p.s. my favorite part is actually the bottom border.


Liani said...

The cake came out awesome! HIGH FIVE!