Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Mama's Point of view

I am sure for all you mommies out there this is all too familiar! My little ones at their finest... for those expectant baby mommas get ready- the fun is inching closer and closer!
Every day these two little guys do so many new things. I feel like I am never able to soak it all in. Just today we moved Omi into a booster seat in the car and Aiden out of the infant carrier. I cannot believe how quickly they are both growing up. I actually started a journal for each of them. I feel a little bad because I started Omi's so late in the game... but I think it will be some thing nice to look back on when they are older. It helps me document all their milestones, both monumental and minuscule. I mean just the other day little O started sitting with us at the dinner table, kind of a big deal in a small way. AAAAAAA- where is that little baby who smeared mac and cheese all over his high chair (and himself).
His vocabulary is growing so quickly and he is putting things together in such a comedic manner. Just the other day before leaving the house, I tell him "I love you, have fun with Papa." His reply? "ok bye- don't play with my toys!" His priorities are truly in check.
Let me not get started on little Aiden Eric. That rascal is such a handful! He is finally starting to sleep in the mornings, not like Omi but anything is better than having him wake up at 7 am! He is starting to vocalize more. Which I am not going to lie I was a little concerned for a bit... the little punk was just refusing to talk. And I do say refusing, because he says Mama, Papa and carga (carry me in Spanish) at his discretion. The rest of the time when I tell him "mama" he just mocks me and shows me those too delicious dimples of his! He is trying so hard to walk. And by trying I mean clinging on to my clothing and swaying in the wind.

Here you can see I was able to capture the little goblin disguised as a martian! This is the hat portion of Aiden's Halloween costume. Omar and I were back and forth about what they would dress up as. After much debate, we decided the funniest and cutest would be Aiden as one of the Toy Story Aliens and Omi as Buzz! Pictures of Omi in his costume are soon to come. However, he could not resist trying on Aiden's hat. He not only laughed while his brother wore it... but found it hilarious on himself as well!

See... they do look inocent every so often. Don't let them fool you....

::More Mommy Diaries coming soon::

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halloween has landed :0)

::disclaimer:: Let me first warn that although the title and most of my randomness is regarding Halloween, I am likely to stray on topics.

Yes I am fully aware that we are not even in October yet. But I could not wait... and our home is almost completely decorated. Once September came, I felt that we are officially in Autumn. Being as in Miami we have rainy season, non rainy season and even rainier season. Oh and there are even days in our winter when it is colder than 60 degrees out (lol). But I digress...

I am not sure if I had ever placed so much attention to this before, but I was a little upset that most stores have like two shelves of Halloween decor. I really wish I could find some kitchen rugs, and bathroom towels for the boys bathroom. But nothing. I have began wondering if perhaps I am getting anxious? Should I at least give places a day or two to place summer merchandise on clearance and restock with Halloween and Harvest goodies- give them until October at least. Maybe it is the whole recession and lack of consumers. I am really not even sure what to think. HELLO!!! Not even Wal-mart has their usual 4 aisles of Halloween chach-kas!

I am not even sure what had made so goo-goo about decorating for Halloween and my developing obsession. Omar says I am the best cure for a recession... if more individuals were like me the world would never know a recession. I explain to him that although I do spend money, I am the true definition of a bargain shopper. I am always looking for a deal-- which is my biggest problem. I believe the saying is "A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs, and a woman will pay $1 for a $2 item she doesn't need". That is Omar and I to a T. We compliment each other, I make sure he does not pay more than he should... and he in turn takes things out of the shopping cart when I am searching for more random items to place in to it. On more than one occasion my friends and I have fallen to victim of retail therapy. No I am not feeling depressed, but (as actually proven by scientific study) I do believe that certain endorphins are released when shopping causing a euphoric feeling. So if while at the mall you see me turning cart wheels, do not be frightened- I am just feeling giddy. LOL!

So back to the topic, I DID forewarn about how I stray. I am pretty sure I do it in all of my posts, except for the very short and to the point ones. I am so excited about decorating the home for the impending holidays. Halloween makes me so excited, because that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner! And after Thanksgiving... the ultimate shopping experience- BLACK FRIDAY! o0o0o0o I get goose pimples just thinking about Black Friday. I love my brother and I's tradition of being statistics and being at all the early bird specials. And I do mean all, we have brought it down to a science and strategy. We plan it out days before and which spots we are going to hit first... making sure to go by JC Penney and collect our annual free Disney snow globe. The whole experience never disappoints, bringing out only the best of characters!

Oscar the Grouch moves to Kendall

I am sure you all have seen little Omar's Lil' John impression by now, he has currently moved on to method acting. LOL! Here is my funny little big guy ...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Too funny not to share!

For those of you who see Aiden Eric on a regular basis are aware of how this little goblin has been mobile for quite some time. He started scooting around at about 5 months. Before he was sit he was crawling- if you could call it "crawling". I have to believe it is the anxiety he has built up from watching his older brother get around on two legs. This little guy looks like a frog coming your way. Even when I took him to the Pediatrician last month they ALL had a kick of watching him parade around the floor. He was quite the spectacle, no stage fright what so ever... just doing his thing.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Quickie Post

After what seems like FOREVER--- I finally found the time to hang up the frames I have been shuffling back and forth around the house. Really not much else of anything going on except still a lot of things being knocked off of the "to-do" list. One more thing checked off...

And yes in case you are wondering, these are spaced out and leveled to a T. I know, I am a little psychotic like that- you should see how I put away my hair iron. LOL!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Booty Pop????

Ok I was in the middle of finishing the previous post when on came this commercial--- seriously???

I was watching Yes To The Dress Atlanta the other night and one of the brides mentioned these in passing but I just thought she was joking. These things really exist...

Dude could you imagine if I were to wear one? I would not fit through the front door!!!

Happy Birthday Big O!

Once a year I get to rack my brain trying to come up with a fabulous birthday present for the man who makes my world turn up side down. All in a good way of course. Although he DOES drive me insane. This year was no different. As a matter of fact I would be fibbing if I said that I got him a really wow gift. Quite the opposite actually, I just got him a Goonies tee and a business card holder. See- nada maravilloso. What is the best part of it being his birthday? That I get to stop hearing about how I am 28 and he is only 27... at least until next February.
I was thinking that in honor of his birthday I would list all the wonderful things that make Omar the special person he is. However I am optioning to save that for a list I plan on typing up for our 5 year anniversary. Which I am ridiculously excited about our trip that we have planned to celebrate. But let me leave all that babbling for another post.
Since I cannot remember the last time we went out partying, I thought Omi's birthday was the perfect excuse! I managed to plan a nice evening out with some very cool people. I had first debated on doing something at the house with the whole party thing. But than I sat back and realized how much I loathe cleaning up after parties- so it was a big X on a birthday party at casa de Falcon. We have yet to really have anything at the house since we moved in 8 months ago... but I think I will stick to one on one invites, less to clean up at a time. Maybe most of our friends will have visited before we buy another house ::snicker::
So rewind to last Saturday... we went to Blue Martini. Not exactly what we had in mind (slightly older cougar-ish crowd). They opened up a new one in Kendall near where we live. And by near I don't mean that it is really close, just closer than heading out to the beach or the Grove. So we met up with a couple of friends both new and old. Most of them are parents of some of Omar's kids. Yeah you read correctly- we were hanging out with parents. I was a little hesitant about inviting them- why? Well you KNOW me, I am not the most sociable individual around; therefore I do not really talk to each and every set of parents on the teams. So I only wanted to invited the ones which we really talk to and would hang out with outside of baseball. They also happen to be the younger crows as well. Although I always bother them about being older than us, they really are super fun people to party with! And of course, the usual suspects...

Derek and Omar aka Cuban Connection
My Antelos! Liani and Derek
O and Alex
before we started doing shots
I am not sure who took this picture, but I am loving it!
It is truly a shame that the old man in all white's shoes were not pictured, they too were white. Priceless
one of the many :0)

At midnight, the boys and I lit a cupcake and sang the birthday boy a tune. The cupcake was suppose to be for Big Omar, but little O took once the candle was blown out.
For his actual birthday we really did not do too much, he wanted nothing more than to sleep in. Ahhh... the small stuff in non parent life that one does not appreciate until it is GONE.

Later we went to dinner with Omar's family. It was a nice dinner that we followed with a burger cake!
It is so odd, I always have such a difficult time coming up with cake ideas with him. I know I know- me have a problem with cake ideas! It is just difficult when there is no true theme to help out with the brain waves. Since we are both awful fast food junkies, I decided what better than a burger cake! I saw one at Publix the other day and found that it looked so easy to make I simply must try. So there it is with the works.
Happy Birthday to my favorite adult person (it is a tie between little O and Aiden for my favorite little people). I love you and look forward to next year... almost 30! HA HA HA HA!