Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Mama's Point of view

I am sure for all you mommies out there this is all too familiar! My little ones at their finest... for those expectant baby mommas get ready- the fun is inching closer and closer!
Every day these two little guys do so many new things. I feel like I am never able to soak it all in. Just today we moved Omi into a booster seat in the car and Aiden out of the infant carrier. I cannot believe how quickly they are both growing up. I actually started a journal for each of them. I feel a little bad because I started Omi's so late in the game... but I think it will be some thing nice to look back on when they are older. It helps me document all their milestones, both monumental and minuscule. I mean just the other day little O started sitting with us at the dinner table, kind of a big deal in a small way. AAAAAAA- where is that little baby who smeared mac and cheese all over his high chair (and himself).
His vocabulary is growing so quickly and he is putting things together in such a comedic manner. Just the other day before leaving the house, I tell him "I love you, have fun with Papa." His reply? "ok bye- don't play with my toys!" His priorities are truly in check.
Let me not get started on little Aiden Eric. That rascal is such a handful! He is finally starting to sleep in the mornings, not like Omi but anything is better than having him wake up at 7 am! He is starting to vocalize more. Which I am not going to lie I was a little concerned for a bit... the little punk was just refusing to talk. And I do say refusing, because he says Mama, Papa and carga (carry me in Spanish) at his discretion. The rest of the time when I tell him "mama" he just mocks me and shows me those too delicious dimples of his! He is trying so hard to walk. And by trying I mean clinging on to my clothing and swaying in the wind.

Here you can see I was able to capture the little goblin disguised as a martian! This is the hat portion of Aiden's Halloween costume. Omar and I were back and forth about what they would dress up as. After much debate, we decided the funniest and cutest would be Aiden as one of the Toy Story Aliens and Omi as Buzz! Pictures of Omi in his costume are soon to come. However, he could not resist trying on Aiden's hat. He not only laughed while his brother wore it... but found it hilarious on himself as well!

See... they do look inocent every so often. Don't let them fool you....

::More Mommy Diaries coming soon::