Saturday, October 31, 2009

Loads of October activities!

October usually marks the beginning of the holidays. Loads of weekly activities and very little free time. This year was no different from those past and did not disappoint!

One Saturday we had Roly and Jose's Halloween party. As always, loads of fun! They really do know how to throw a fabulous party. It is almost a rule of thumb that we never miss Roly's birthday party in January or the Halloween party. My size being a huge factor, finding a costume for myself was slightly a challenge. But after much searching we stumbled upon a comfortable (most important) and non suffocating duet- Goddess and Roman like toga thing for Omar. It was so nice to dance and hang out... Aiden felt the same. Seems like we have had so many parties recently I am convince he is going to be born with a party hat and ready to jam come February!

Not a usual October event, was Cam's baby shower. I am so excited! For the most part I am the one and only who has a little one from the pack of friends. I mean there are baseball people who have kids--- but none of the original gangsters. Until now--- Little Armee is due here December 14! And I cannot wait to meet him. Being pregnant at the same time as your best friend since 6th grade has been quite fun. Since it isn't my first, I enjoy being able to give her all the baby advice. What she should put on her registry, breast feeding info (TMI), and just every day stuff I guess. When she first broke the news to me that she was pregnant I was so excited--- I was one of the first to know. I felt pretty darn special. Not gonna lie, I wanted to be pregnant again too... and thought it would be so0o0oo0 cute if we were prego together. I guess some times all you gotta do is ask... lol--- about a little over a month later I was pregnant too! My camera's battery died on the day of her shower so I was only able to capture a couple of pics. But she is glowing and looking more beautiful than usual. Pregnancy suits you well friend.

I had to sneak in a pic of the little monster.

Than later in the week it was off to the pumpkin patch. This is a fun little outing for Omi. When he gets older I am sure he may actually pick out a pumpkin. But for now it involves him running around aimlessly and trying to terrorize the scarecrows while he plays with a "Ball" (small little pumpkin he stumbled upon). Still a nice time. Last year's visit to the pumpkin patch was interrupted with a mid-day poop. I am glad to report this visit went without an interruption.

With all the craziness and action packed events, would you believe that I was not able to carve out pumpkin until Halloween day! Which is some what of a good thing, because last year's pumpkin was carved a couple of days before the holiday and thanks to the heat and bugs did not look all that jack-o-lanternish on Halloween. I took advantage that both Omar's were napping and went to work. Turns out I forgot the nose! Yeah I know... hot tranny mess over here. Oh whatever-- at least it gone done! Our little pirate enjoyed it once he awoke from his slumber.

And last but definitely not least! Halloween Night! No year would be complete without a year of trick-or-treating. Last year Omi got to trick-or-treat. But the stiffs by our house stink and candy was very scarce. So this year we decided to venture our way over to Alex and Haggy's neighborhood. It was fabulous! Not only were the streets jam packed with children, the entire neighborhood was truly in the spirit of the holiday. So many had gone all out in decorating the exterior of their homes. Some going as far as to decorate inside as well, one had a Halloween village that was to die for! I am seriously considering swinging by come Christmas time... I can only imagine what spectacular lighting they will have. Our little candy monster had a great time. By the pictures I am sure you can tell he went to town on his pumpkin. Again, love spending time with the fam. Always nice to have so many to share holidays with.

Omi and Dylan before trick-or- treating... up to no good of course

Little Omar's first official trick-or-treat experience

This is a picture of the Halloween village inside one of the homes

Dylan didn't even make it past the first house!

look at this chocolate covered face... priceless!

ha ha ha... he bit into a pack of lemon heads- not as tasty as the chocolate bar

Amazing how much work was put into decorating some of these yards!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mommy and Daddy Dates

Having a date night is not as easy as it once was before little O came into the world. Definitely not complaining, but you know... it is nice to get out just Omi and I every so often.

This past Friday we had a dinner and a movie date. It had been a while since we actually make it to the movies. We always say we are going to go and for some reason or other never make it. This time we actually did. We began our evening at Marinos with a nice dinner. We than watched Couples Retreat. Pretty darn funny movie I thought. Being out baby free and no worries about changing a diaper was a nice little change.

Than Saturday was my cousin Ana's 30th birthday. More fun kid-free family time! I know it sounds cheesy how often I boast about the fam- but we seriously are so close. It is scary at times how much fun we have with one another. Genuinely enjoy each other's company. I mean, obviously there are times that you HAVE to spend with the family and than there are times you can hang out with the friends. Us, we spend them all together. I guess having a huge family and being raised pretty tight has a lot to do with it. It is such a huge change for Omar, all of his family is still in the mother land. But he too has grown attached to the fam-bam.

The only slight down side from our fun filled evening? The only individual who did not drink that evening (obviously yours truly) was alas the one who spend the end of the night puking up a storm. Being prego is such fun.. who says the puking stops after the first trimester!