Friday, October 16, 2009

Columbus Day Mini Vacation

As usual, disaster does not trail too far behind the Falcon Clan. Never anything that is absolutely treacherous, just enough to get a person frazzled. I tend to be the one behind most of the frazzle causing dilemmas, and this time was no different.

I would like to back track and make sure to BLAME one of the other many pregos in our life Cameron for my mishap. Why? Because aside from Cindy, who I have also blamed for spreading her germs via text and phone, Cam is the only one who I came in contact with who also got sick! So shame on you Cam and her little A--- I can understand you are very sharing but PLEASE friend next time keep your germies to yourself. Thank you.
So yeah, back to ME. It started on Tuesday evening, with what was really just a very annoyingly persistent cough. But since my immune system stinks, I really took it in stride. Nothing big, just a little cough. As I had mentioned earlier, Cam had been feeling sick since Monday so I chalked it up to her cold and nothing more. However I spent all day Wednesday feeling like poo and with a fever. Again, honestly me and fevers we have a special relationship. I hate fevers, but they must love me--- I get a fever from any little thing. Seriously. Of course, I called my OB right away. He told me I could take regular Tylenol for my fever and Robitussin for my cough. Which means that I had to thug it out with just Tylenol, because yes people I am allergic to cough syrup. Well not cough syrup, codeine which is in EVERY cough syrup.

Thank goodness for my mom, she swept in and took over Omi duty for the day. I was in bed all day feeling awful and just sleeping it off. Thursday came--- and the fever was in full force, no fun. Once the OB office opened, gave them another call and told the doc I had spent the entire night fighting a fever and that Tylenol really had not helped much. The rest is history I guess.

Yours truly had the H1N1 virus. How on earth do I always manage to get all this crap? My biggest worry of course was that little man too had developed a little bit of a cough. So Omar ran to the pediatrician and had him checked out and got him on meds asap. Luckily and unluckily, apparently my immune system is the only one that is broken. Big Omar not only spent all 5 days at the hospital with me but also with our cold infested little one in the evenings as well and nothing, not even a sniffle! I guess that is a good thing. I know I can count on the hubs to cater to me when I am volatilely ill and not have to be too concerned about getting him sick.

The worse part was not even being sick or stuck in the hospital for 5 days. But being away from my little monster. I got to watch daily video clips via text... and oh boy did the tears flow with those. I unfortunately have dealt with this separation in the past, not too long ago either... just last April. Remember that week long hospital stay? Which no Dr ever figured out what I had been plagued with. Another post, another time... lol. But as I was saying although this was not the first time I had to be kept away from my little one, it was so much more difficult. People, a sick, 5 month hormone surged pregnant woman stuck in a hospital is not anyone you want to willingly deal with. Thank you Omar... you prove to me more and more how absolutely perfect you are.

So... I am much better now. Still have a little bit of a cough, but that is almost completely gone. One of the most annoying things from the whole ordeal? Every time I would have a cough attack--- I would pee myself. Enough said-