Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sweet 18.... plus 10

It is that time of year again.... when the world celebrates the arrival of Yvette and the parades and festivities take over Miami. Ok so perhaps I am exaggerating a little about how it all goes down but it could happen (in my little pea brain at least).

But yes folks... today I turned 28. Not all that different from 27 really. Except that I did get an early birthday present which was the BEST birthday present EVER!!! Being able to spend my birthday this year with my two little healthy boys, really what more could a mother ask for?

Although it did not start off too fabulously--- Aiden gifted me his present bright and early at 7 am, a nice little fresh poopy. Than it was followed by Omi waking up nice and early at 8:30. Which for those of you that do not know little man, he usually graces us with his presence around 11. So I did not get much sleep in the morning. However once my mom got here and went into abuela mode and took care of the monsters I was able to return to my slumber. Basically I spent the day just lounging around and resting. After all what else is there to do just a week after having a c- section? I suppose there is a lot to do, just very little desire to do so. I must admit having my mom here this week has been AWESOME! She has cleaned the house, bathed the kids, and cooked for me while Omar is at work. Plus has kept me company and given me someone to chat with during the day. She now understands my pain of non stop ELMO, I am sure all my toddler moms know precisely what I am talking about.

To top off the evening, the family came over for dinner and did the usual cake cutting festivities. It is always nice to spend time with the family and friends.

So cheers to another birthday, they always sneak up on me. And this year it came up behind me so quickly, I almost forgot it myself! Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, it is nice to be remembered and thought of. I really do feel so special; special to have two precious children, a magnificent husband who does it all for us, the BEST family (hands down) and lovely friends who truly are so faithful.

Thank you again guys... this birthday was low key but one of the memorable ones.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Growing 2 Feet at a Time

On February 2, 2010 our little family was again blessed with the arrival of another beautiful healthy baby boy. Little Aiden weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches. Although he was a planned c- section, he came a day earlier due to some unexpected circumstances. For the most part it thank goodness it was nothing major. On Monday I had gone into triage because I had not felt him moving around and being his usual active little jumping bean self. When I was examined it turned out my amniotic fluid was lower than it should have been so I was admitted. They gave me 2ccs of fluid and got them back up to where they should be, but Dr. Leon decided to go ahead with the surgery a day earlier since I had already been admitted. The surgery went well and I must admit that recovery this time around has been much easier than it was with little Omar's delivery. We are still here at the hospital and will be here until Friday when we are discharged--- I cannot wait to get home to my little Omar which I miss so much!!! To have both my little guys together.... pure bliss.

Here are some pictures of the little guy, enjoy.