Thursday, February 4, 2010

Growing 2 Feet at a Time

On February 2, 2010 our little family was again blessed with the arrival of another beautiful healthy baby boy. Little Aiden weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches. Although he was a planned c- section, he came a day earlier due to some unexpected circumstances. For the most part it thank goodness it was nothing major. On Monday I had gone into triage because I had not felt him moving around and being his usual active little jumping bean self. When I was examined it turned out my amniotic fluid was lower than it should have been so I was admitted. They gave me 2ccs of fluid and got them back up to where they should be, but Dr. Leon decided to go ahead with the surgery a day earlier since I had already been admitted. The surgery went well and I must admit that recovery this time around has been much easier than it was with little Omar's delivery. We are still here at the hospital and will be here until Friday when we are discharged--- I cannot wait to get home to my little Omar which I miss so much!!! To have both my little guys together.... pure bliss.

Here are some pictures of the little guy, enjoy.