Gotcha! Now how many of you likely thought it would be a post about something fabulous that I created over the weekend? WRONG!!!
However, it is about something breath taking that Omar and I started to bake back in June. Our precious Little A. Just in the womb and already completely different personality than his big brother. Whenever we would go for an ultrasound for Omi he would be jumping all around the place moving and being quite the exhibitionist. Little A, not so much. Seems like he is not a fan of the photogs. He likes to hide his cute little face behind my placenta (how obscenely gross does that sound!). And on more than one occasion it can be said he has mooned his poor parents. Time seems to be flying with this one though. Omar says it likely has a lot to with the fact the Omi has me constantly running around after him. And well, baby showers every other weekend plus the holidays right around the corner right before he makes his grand entrance in February.
I feel just as anxious to meet our Little A as I did with Omar, which is something I am VERY proud of. I have seen quite a few pregos not be as eager with their second bundle as with the first. Some say the other just leaves them with no energy to truly enjoy the experience again. Believe me, Omarito leaves me absolutely drained come 8 pm but I love being pregnant. Yeah- if I could exclude the whole puking thing (which still happens on occasion at 21 wks in my world) I would have no complaints. Last time was way worse though... at least with this one I get to enjoy digesting a meal unlike with Omi. Puking although NEVER fun, did accompany my greatest achievement up to date.
Kudos to big Omar! As always, he does his best to keep baby momma happy. As some would say, if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy. Mr. Falcon definitely does more than his share in keeping momma happy. I am at home, yet he still helps me with folding laundry in the evenings. UGH! How I loathe folding laundry and putting baby clothes on hangers.. blech! Poor Omar is already mentally preparing himself to be on double duty when the little one arrives. Two weeks following his birth should be interesting... since those are the really "fun" times after a c section.
Last but definitely not least here are some lovely 3D pictures of our little bun baking away. Those of you who get creeped out by the whole seeing baby inside womb experience... LOOK AWAY!!!!
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