Monday, August 4, 2008

when boredum strikes

Hey aLL... just here at home not able to sleep and decided to post some pics of the little guy. He is beginning to smile on purpose and it cracks us up every time he does it... it NEVER gets old!!! Coco also participated in tummy time, but did not stick around long enough for a picture.
Omar and Peanut during tummy time

He loves the mat that Cam (soon to-be Madrina) got him

So although being a new mom keeps me pretty busy most of the time I have found time to continually expand the creativity. As usual (for all our events in the past) I made Omar's baptism invitations and finally mailed them out. I also went ahead and made the prettiest little crosses which will be placed inside the flower vases... took forever to come up with the perfect size and shape. But much worth the effort I would like to think. Imagine that I not only was able to get all the invites out, and make the crosses... I also was able to finish the little rosaries (which match both the cross and invites OF COURSE) however since I placed them in small favor boxes they're not pictured. There is not much left to do to prepare for the baptism. The church has been "reserved", invites are out, decor is complete, cake is suppose to be ordered (my goodness Cam you cannot forget!), luncheon location reserved, ok ok ok... so I need to order the food still. But in my defense I know exactly where we will be ordering it from and what it will be. Oh and this weekend I practiced the cupcakes I wanted to make as well... how cute are they! They are a rough draft though. The actual marshmallow portion will be slightly colored on the top to look sparkly, but not tacky sparkly. Also while I was in the mood of baking and decorating I got inspired to work on something else. Now I know what you are thinking, Little O is only 2 months old and this is probably nuts. But we already know what we want his first birthday to be of... Sesame Street. Since I had extra green frosting left over I went ahead and also practiced an Oscar the Grouch cupcake. Yeah can we say B-O-R-E-D? Well at least I get to eat them!

I am hoping that some time this week I will be able to complete my pregnancy scrapbook. I have been meaning to finish it, but something always seems to keep me from it. My to-do list seems to grow and grow... and well my poor scrapbook just isn't a priority so it gets pushed further and further down the list. Maybe this week will be the lucky week. Of course it will definitely not be tomorrow. In the morning I am going with Omar to the camp to collect weekly dues for the camp and like every day prepare the lunch. Later in the afternoon we are taking the little moquito to take some pictures. Tuesday Omi gets his second round of shots, and I am most likely going to the optometrist to have my RX renewed (fun fun fun fun). Hmmm... perhaps the scrapbooking will have to wait another week.


TroliaFam said...

I LOVE those cupcakes! Very cute. And you better get your little tail in gear with that scrapbooking... before you know it you'll have 4000 pics of little O and you must be up to date! :)