I have been meaning to post since Halloween, but never a dull moment in the Falcon household. Between cakes and cookies, Omar's Halloween pictures, taking Omi trick-or-treating, more cakes and cookies, little O turning 5 months (can you believe it!) ... blogging just does not fit in to the schedule like I would like it to.
So first things first, cakes have been going pretty great. I feel like I'm also learning lots of new techniques (online and reading books). It may sound silly but my favorite is when Omar compliments me. See while I was in school he would also tell me how awesome it was for me to get and A/ B on a paper.... so it is filling that void so to speak. My favorite is the Little Mermaid, but because I am such a kid and LOVE that movie. The grill cake was something I through together in less than a day for a (surprise- surprise) BBQ. Gio's pirate ship cake was quite an accomplishment... took about three days to complete. But it was VERY worth it and I'm sure Eileen would agree!!!!
So most of you have already seen our little monkey on Halloween on myspace and facebook... but just in case you missed it!!! Here is our little monkey and his two trainers. He was such a trooper, did not fuss or get bratty. We are so0o0o spoiled with this kid.
I feel like I have already posted so many pictures. But really so much has gone on since last time. The need for updates is in order. So yesterday history took place--- no not the presidential race--- Omar turned 5 months old! HA HA HA HA!!! Of course, pictures were taken to mark the milestone. I also add a cute little pointless video of him eating. Oh my goodness--- almost forgot! Little O is sprouting a tooth! He'll never be gummy again (sniff-sniff). Which is a good thing, because lately he had been a little fussy. And if you know my son, you know that he is the total opposite of fussy. So to us this past week and a half has been so out of character for him. Imagine in just 5 short months, there are already things to consider part of his personality. Bizarre...
Should I take some time to discuss my views on the election? My gut tells me to resist. I am a registered Republican... and my darling husband is not. Needless to say we do NOT talk politics much at home to avoid conflict... lol. Nah just kidding, we're not bad at all. Slowly but surely I'm taking him out of the "dark side" and teaching him the force... LMAO! All joking aside, I did vote for Mccain. I am apparently one of the few if facebook statuses says much. Let me put it out there, not thrilled about the outcome... but it is what it is. He's going to be the future president and I pray that he doesn't mess it up. True if he does, I have the pleasure of saying I did not put him in office... but no time for blame games. The economy stinks... whoever were to be elected would have a heck of a time getting things straightened out. His ideologies do concern me, but I am trusting that Congress and Senate will do there job and keep things on the right track. It would be very ideal to see Ds and Rs on the same page, but the likely hood is slim. Funny how Omar and I were talking about how many important and ground breaking events have taken place in our lifetime. Just another one for the books... first African- American President. Although I am not a fan, congratulations to the future president are due. He did what many never imagined would happen. He managed to get people who never voted in their 70 years of life to vote (for wrong reason in my opinion, but none the less they voted). Anabel, I hope you are right and that he does strengthen the weak spots... without weakening other sectors of course. Next four years should be interesting... By the way, does he remind anyone else of Ross Perot? (the ears? no?).
And totally off topic, does anyone else remember that Bill Clinton was impeached? I am amazed with the fact that no one remembers that or the wars he lead us into. Just ranting... lol.
Two last pics of little man ;o) Smile melts my heart every time
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