Monday, January 24, 2011

Work VS Work


I like to think I am lucky to be able to stay home and raise my children. Many do not have that option, and for it I am grateful to Omar that we made that commitment to our children before they were even born. HOWEVER!!!! I am sick and tired of those who are part of the “working” communities insist of making comments about it being so nice to stay at home and not “work” NOT WORK?????? Are you kidding me!!!

So I stopped and thought about what my day usually consists of. On a nice day Aiden allows me to sleep until 9am. Which for some mommies I understand is pretty late, but I get to bed very late (I’m typing at 3:14 am right now) so 9 am is EARLY. But I digress---- once I stumble out of bed, I get to make breakfast for the boys, than followed by cleaning up the kitchen of course. Let me not mention that Aiden pretty much gets a bath after every meal, because he is feeding himself these days. Omi is in the process of potty training--- more fun. Than comes lunch. Constantly cleaning up after the monsters. Dinner starts to be prepared: season meat, figure out sides, etc. Oh yes I also walk the original babies (Peanut and Coco) at least 3 times a day and refill their water and foods bowls. I am leaving out all the times the boys belt out a “MAMA” which is code for: drop what you are doing I am up to no good. After dinner, pick up table give them baths and into pjs they go. You must be wondering why Mr.. Falcon does not take part in the fun activities? He leaves just as the day is getting interesting at 3 pm and depending on the day he doesn’t get home until about 9:30. He gets home in time to be the hero who saves them from Mama who is trying desperately to put them to sleep. Most of the time bed time never happens, so we take them to my parent’s house and we head to the gym. Other day we go to the gym in the morning which just makes my day much longer. Pretty uneventful days huh? Yes and to think I have yet to fit in laundry, dishes---- I still have not even mentioned showering or bathroom breaks!!! LOL!!! So when you guys wonder why I am up to wee hours--- now you know. It is because there really is no other ME time until now. I love staying home and having my boys next to me all day, teaching them and watching them learn. But for those working friends who think I have it made because I get to stay at home eating bons bons while you slave away sitting in your office--- think again folks.