Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Be-lated Birthday my Darling

I know it is quite late, but I had been meaning to write a post to celebrate the day our family grew into the trio it is currently. There really is no funny story about how mommy went into labor or about daddy freaking out, but there like everything there is a tale about how it all fell into place.

On June 3 I went in what turned out to be my last official OB visit. From there they ask that I have an ultrasound to measure the baby again... so I called our friend Kristy and asked if she could fit us in that same day. We were already very anxious to meet our little one, and the appointment we had been given by the other location was not until the following Monday (June 9 a day after Little Man's due date!). Kristy said she would sneak us in some how in between appointments. So with much excitement, we sat patiently at Baptist Hospital and awaited for our appointment. It was confirmed- according to the ultrasound the baby on the way weighed approximately 9 lbs 12 oz! My eyes almost popped out of my head. We were informed that the weight could fluctuate 2 lbs up or down... with excitement and in denial all at the same time I asked "so he could be 7lbs?" Kristy looked at me and giggled--- "oh no girl, there is no way that this kid is going to weigh less than 8 1/2 lbs" She educated us and explained that although the weight is determined by the measurements of the arms, legs and skull--- the mass number is also taken into consideration. Omar's mass number was very high! Once the doctor's office received the diagnosis, it was determines that due to a Macro Baby I was being schedule for a C Section the very next day.

Oddly enough, the idea of needing a C Section never concerned me. I know- I know, HUGE surgery all your guts get taken out, etc. etc. etc.- but I wasn't worried at all. As a matter of fact, when I went into the doctor's office they gave m the option to be induced (but strongly recommended a c sec). You all know me... I am a 5 foot nothing little thing. The OB said if I was induced and had difficulties delivering such a large baby I would than be rushed in for a C Section regardless. The idea of dealing with labor pains and ending with a C Section anyways did not appeal to me AT ALL. Plus Omar and I felt that it was just a more controlled environment and although more of a risk for me--- it was safest for our little guy. After it all, the thought of something going wrong at last minute was pretty much the only thing that did scared us about the whole birth experience.

On June 4, 2008... I began my day with sleeping late. I wanted to make sure I caught up on my sleep to prepare for the impending arrival of a little person who could possibly keep me from sleeping. It was than crunch time--- I was scheduled for surgery at 4:30 and had to be at the hospital at 3. We were so excited! I could barely wait... I wanted to meet him already. I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve, I felt like 4:30 would never come! Fast forward about an hour- I am laying in the stretcher waiting to be taken in, Omar is sitting there chatting with me about obscure topics trying to keep me entertained. Than it started--- cramps. I instantly knew what they were. Granted I had never felt them before, but I just knew. When the nurse came to check my monitor she glared in my direction "Do you feel that?" I answered quietly with a smirk across my face "yes". With a bit of comedic timing she inquired "So when were you planning on letting someone know you were going into labor?" I explained that the pains had not been severe so I did not think it was a problem. Turns out I would have likely gone into full out labor that day on my own regardless.

As scheduled, I was rolled into surgery at 4:30. And what is probably the only funny stories about the whole ordeal took place. Now you need to understand that my only worry was that the epidural would hurt. Have you ever heard of anything so absurd? I am getting my tummy cut open and my concern is the thing that numbs it all! So again, never have gone through this whole process nor thought to inquire-- I had no clue that after the epidural although you feel no pain, you still feel touch. Picture me laying on the surgery stretcher with arms out; IV in one arm and some other type of monitor on the other. Oh and did I mention that the liquid they gave me to drink after the epidural made me puke- ON MY HAIR! Yeah absolutely gross. Ok, so back to the story. As the nurse touches my leg and moves it in order to put in the catheter with a confused tone I yelp "I can feel you... I can feel you" At that moment I had all kinds of horror movie thoughts. After being convinced and assured that I would feel nothing I was able to relax. I can only imagine what my face looked like. At least I know for next time not to freak out.

Finally 5:09 came! And Dr. Dimino stated as he pulled little man out, "meet you 3 month old baby boy" with a huge grin on his face. Baby Omar was born! Although a very proud daddy Omar very calm and collect cut his little package's umbilical cord and watched him go to the bathroom (peepee and poop!) all over the poor nurse who was trying to take his vitals. Than came the stats--- 21 inches, 8 lbs 15 oz. They say that the ultrasound was pretty accurate, and that he would have weighed more had he not done his stuff before weigh in (lol). Big Omar of course, with Camera and camera phone in tow became a photog. There is actually a picture of the doctor taking Omi out and you can see my guts (BLECH!).

Once all of the flash was over with, baby and daddy left for the nursery as I stayed behind to get my guts sewed back up. You know me, always attached to my phone... I had asked if it were ok if I kept it with me. Everyone in the operating room agreed they didn't mind. So I went to work texting everyone the good news and baby info. Omar had made sure to take a picture with my phone as well so I had a snap shot to share too. I even remember my cousin Jorge calling me an chatting with him while I was still getting glued back up. I knew I earlier I wrote sewn... but I wasn't. I was actually really lucky- no stitches or staples... surgical glue. It was awesome, and my scar is basically non existent.

I remember sitting in recovery, and Omar bringing me the foot prints they had just taken my first response "oh my gosh, they are so big". Omar was boasting about how Omi was the biggest baby in the nursery. There was a tour of the Mother Baby unit walking around, and when they got to the nursery Omar was telling me how everyone was amazed with Omi's size and how full he looked. I really had not taken into perspective how big Omi was, when he had been given to me first he was wrapped up like a burrito. I had asked Omar to check his toes and fingers before they wrapped him, so I was not concerned about that. Silly eh? The things I thought of... Omar found my quirks entertaining.

Once I made it into my room... the guests started rolling in. I mean-- rolling in. We must have had about 30 people in that hospital room. Our nurse was nice, she let everyone sneak in little by little. Grandparents, Tia, Tio, Great Grandparents, Madrina, Padrino... my God parents too. Plus many other friends and family. It was a nice feeling of fulfilment. Finally the little person everyone had anticipated meeting was finally here!

The rest obviously is history. Since he arrived into our lives they have been filled with nothing but bliss. As a glare over at my little guy napping right now I am overwhelmed with emotion. My heart never knew it was capable of loving this much.

Here are a couple of pictures of his actual birthday. We were blessed with some nice weather and headed to the water park. Little O had loads of fun splashing around and going down slides. In the evening we took him to Chuck E Cheese with the other little ones and cut him (another) birthday cake. Good times.