Monday, October 6, 2008


Although I know it has not been, seems like forever since I last wrote on here. Since I decided to start doing the whole cake thing it has really picked up faster than I could have ever imagined. It is kind of weird though... I love the degree I persued (Exceptional Student Education) but have never before been excited about a job. Until now. I get really excited about getting new orders and pondering about how and what to create. LOVE IT!!! lol- the other night Omi asked if I found my calling in life. Not sure I would call it my "calling", I would like to believe that my true calling in life is being a mom. But I suppose I am definitely enjoying it and not seeing it as a job. I am learning how to break up the work into portions and not go all bananas in one day. Plus I must give credit where credit is due, the fabulous husband has (you guessed it) been helping lots. I even had him kneading some fondant the other night so the colors would be mixed for me when I needed them. He is too awesome... lol, so not his thing yet is learning just so he can help me do this new thing. I truly am lucky to have had him encourage me to venture out on this impulsive came to me at midnight idea. I heart you Omi.

Speaking of the spouse, he registered for school this morning! Whoa I know, huge "grown-up" step for Omar. Beyond proud of him. He will be commencing his journey into the wonderful world of EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) in January. The actual course is only six weeks so before you know it he should be out in his field doing the rides and stuff like that.

I know I wrote about it a couple of posts ago but oh my goodness---- my little O turned four months on Saturday October 4! To celebrate we had a BBQ and watched Kimbo Slice get his butt beat in about 15 seconds. Ok so perhaps we were not celebrating his birthday, but still it all happen to take place on Saturday. Omar finally built his Baby Einstein bouncer the day before. It was hilarious to watch Ito as he looked at Omar build it. It is almost as if he knew that he was getting a new toy. His eyes glistened as Omar dilegently connected the pieces together. Although in the pictures he has his trademark startled look, he really was loving it. Laughing it up and going nuts with all the noise making contraptions he was being introduced to for the first time.
It was definitely a weekend of milestones. Since he turned 4 months, we started him on cereal. Nothing huge, but a big step in the mommy scope of things. At first he didn't really care much for it. He is not a big fan of intervals of no food. And well I can only fill his spoon and get it to his mouth so fast. So pretty much in between every spoonful he screamed. It was pretty funny, sounded hilarious. Omar and I definitely had a good laugh. Of course, more pictures to document the event. Enjoy-


TroliaFam said...

Oh my gosh Yvette, do you guys have one of those "johnny jump up" things? I don't know what they're really called but you latch them to the top of a doorway and baby can bounce and hop around in them? Omi looks like he's about that stage! This age was my favorite... soon they start to grow exponentially and as always, cherish these moments! :)