Friday, January 2, 2009

Sorry for the lies

Before I begin my rant, I would like to say that if I had wanted the pups to stay still for that picture it would have never happened. The actually just posed themselves, it was suppose to be a picture of just big and little Omar. Turned out to be the cutest picture (minus me of course). I may just photoshop myself into the picture to complete the portrait!

So while we were away I thought I could resist and not be online. Who was I kidding. Sad really, when bored and nothing else to do- our faithful Internet is there to save the day- lol. It has been great though, beyond relaxing and quite therapeutic.

It has not been too cold, but a fabulous change of weather. Today is probably the ugliest day, rainy and super foggy. Yesterday we decided we go snow tubing up in Maggie Valley only to make the hour and a half drive and find out they were sold out until 8 pm. No fun what-so-ever. So little man will not see snow this vacation.. which is not like he will remember so I'm not terribly upset. Although how awesome would the photo-op have been ;o)

We have been out of town for less than a week and little man has done so much! When the abuelos, tio, and tia see him they may not recognize him. He has grown a foot, a mustache, talking... ha ha ha I joke. Another tooth has sprouted up top, and it appears another is shortly to follow. Crawling is also another phenomena which has occurred. He is getting around so fast it is unbelievable. Pig ears have become one of his favorite treats... LMAO!!! I mean not that we give them to him ,they are Peanut and Coco's chew toys. But he seems to always manage to position himself close enough to get hold of one. Oh and I almost forgot, he is starting to pull himself up! He can barely sit himself up on his own but is trying to stand up. It is surreal how quickly he is growing up.

As I look on facebook and see all the different status quotes about how wretched 2008 was and don't understand it. Yes I know, economy down right stinks... we've lost money in stocks-- but were so blessed. Our perfect little person came into our lives in 2008 and I could not be more grateful for him. I do not remember what life was like before he was born... I know the for some people 08 may have stunk, but mine could not have been more celestial.

I will be posting more pictures from North Carolina and going into more detail about our days on the next post. The crappy part about coming up to the cabin is that no one picks up after you- lol. We'll be leaving tomorrow... so gotta start laundry and cleaning the house.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe new year. Many blessings for the upcoming year. Love, The Falcon Five