Friday, January 9, 2009

Its been 1095 days!

(**This post was a little delayed... but meant to be posted on Jan 7**)

For those of you not good at math (like myself) 1095 days = 3 years!!! Which now that I analyze it, it should be 1096 because last year was a leap year. But I digress... Its been 3 years since Omi and I got hitched! Isn't that absolutely absurd? Time seems to be just flying by.

Last year seemed like such a milestone because we were pregnant and just overwhelmed with the blessing. Anyone who knows us knows how much we wanted a baby. Oh my goodness, how much did I pray for a little one... its indescribable. I remember such details of my pregnancy... the first time I felt Omar kick, January 23. Isn't that nuts??? Omar and I both agree, the happiest day of our marriage was when we found out I was pregnant. Just knowing that it was possible and how long we had wanted to conceive, all our future children will be blessings but just knowing that first time--- that memory can never be replaced.

So I am sure everyone is tired of hearing the Falcon story... LOL!!! But let me get nostalgic for a moment or two. I am a firm believer that everyone who you encounter in your life is placed there for a reason. It affects your future decisions, encounters, etc. So why on earth would Middle School be any different??? Yes, it was there that our silly little story began. Who would think that I would have married my 6th grade boyfriend?? Not to mention that for a while there I had broken my mother's heart and told her I was boycotting marriage all together. I was perfectly happy with living with someone and not getting married, what difference would it make etc, etc ,etc. And than it happened!!! Mr. Falcon managed to wiggle his way into my life after never seeing each other since 8th grade. Imagine, 10 years later pretty much... some pompous know it all is trying to talk to me at Gatsbys. HA HA HA !!! Not the easiest of tasks, but it happened. I really did know that I would marry him, I just knew. It didn't take long to commit for either of us. Mid January we started dating, and by dating I mean he slept over the condo and never left until come March when spring training rolled around. Come April we were engaged, long courtship eh? Again, when you know you just know.

Long story short--- come Jan of the following year we were married.

There have been good times, fabulous times and not so glamorous... but they have all been our memories. We've moved from state to state with each other, supported each other's decisions, gone on spur of the moment vacations, had dozens of silly borderline- retarded moments, finished school (Yvette) and started school (Omar), survived hurricanes and college algebra... and our greatest achievement the birth of our son. In just three short years we have climbed so many obstacles and have been successful. I could not imagine anyone else by my side that I could accomplish it all with. Omar you always tell me how I give you the strength that you lack, but the truth is you make me that stronger person. I look forward to many more years of bliss...