Monday, January 19, 2009

Se anuncia mas que la Coca Cola y se vende menos que la Materva

Although most of you speak Spanish not sure if the saying gets lost in translation. Well, you all should know what Coca Cola is, and Materva is a Cuban soda that is now produced in the US. A cheaper not as sweet version of Coke that was not the most popular in the mother land (but ironically is in Miami go figure). By the title I am referring to myself and my lack of blogging and how awful I am at it. I say I am going to blog, but I never get around to it. Get it? Hoping my explanation was a good one and no one is completely lost.

So I do not think it has been that long since I last wrote, but I know it has been quite some time. I really cannot say that much has changed. Omar finally started his First Responder course and I am ecstatic to say that he is loving it and really into it. I was a bit concerned that he would not like the class and have a change of mind for the whole firefighter thing. But he appears to be so determined, I am extremely proud of him. He actually has his first exam today and came home bragging about how he got 25/25... blah blah blah. I am working on his virtual college English course and I am happy to say he has an A in that class so far. So the school front is looking awesome!

Little man is growing by the minute and quite possibly by the second. I am amazed at how he learns so many new things on a daily basis. He keeps me on my toes all day. His naps are getting shorter, but his day is much more eventful. When he wakes up usually around 10-ish (on a day he lets mommy sleep) he does his usual beckoning of "MAh-MAh" until I show up. Than we do breakfast, play time... I try to get in some time to fix Omar's lunch (but that does not always happen). It is so funny and cute how he knows the schedule, if by chance he takes a power nap around 11; he bright eyed when Omar comes home for lunch. I guess that's his "Pah-Pah" time. He is pulling himself up in his crib, playpen, dining room table, you name it! He is like a little monkey that gremlin. I tell you, there are days (such as today) that he is a handful with his non-nap-taking self! Just today while holding himself up he tried to take a step and instead took a tumble. Such a big boy, no tears.

Hmmm.. oh some not so pleasant news, in all the hustle and bustle of birthday parties, dinner parties, and game night I some how managed to get Gastritis. Which if no one ever told you, let me be the first to express that it is one of the most wretched feelings there is. I am a wuss when it comes to pain, although since having Little O my pain tolerance has gone up immensely. So it started as heart burn, no big deal... spent an entire 39 weeks with heart burn. But it started getting worse and worse... I am talking about waking me up in my sleep bad. (so you get an idea I am the hardest person on the planet to wake up) You feel like you have to vomit, but you don't fetal position is your best friend when the pain comes. I am telling you people WRETCHED!!! Extremely uncomfortable pain that hits the pit of your stomach and back at the same time. I swear I thought I was dieing. So I made Omar take me to the Urgent Care Center last night (ED is overrated). Long story short, after puking, a shot, an x-ray, and some meds later the diagnosis is Gastritis. So today along with being a bad day for naps, was not a good tummy day for me. Talk about relief when Omar got home from school.

Luckily, my painful day was accompanied by our fabulous new cable. How absolutely vain did that sound? So on Tuesday we had the At&t cable guy come over and poor had to re-wire the entire house in order to set up the new U-verse (whatever thingy). Its great, On-Demand, DVR, oodles of channels. I am in heaven, we have about 10 cartoon channels. Oh my goodness, I heart cartoons. Plus now I never miss ghost hunters!!! Which that alone is worth it.

I feel like I have more to say, but still am not feeling 100%. If I had a 9-5 job I definitely would not be attending tomorrow. Wish me and my "tripas" (guts) luck and a speedy recovery.