Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My stomach is turning--- BIG time

So I am guilty of being one of those Casey Anthony trail watchers.  I am even more embarrassed to say that I watch Nancy Grace on the days when I cannot watch the entire day of court footage.  This whole case makes me sick to my stomach.  I am not saying I know how she killed her daughter, or that it was on "purpose" but who goes a month without reporting their child missing???  Is it me?  Am I the crazy one here????  Listening to the testimony of all the witnesses and how she acted and the things they found in her car trunk.  OMG people!!!  I feel like punching Casey Anthony in the face every time I turn on the trail.  I hate to talk to trash, but seriously Jose Baez--- what a doof.  I am hoping his dumb antics do not give them basis for appeal.  Just the thought of all the details coming to light make me sick.  Seriously seriously seriously...I NEED to punch her in the face.