Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Falcon--- Pity Party of one please

So after almost 8 months... I must admit I am soooo ready for little Aiden to come out already. Yeah-yeah- yeah I know he is not done cooking, his lungs are underdeveloped. But I am tired. For those of you who do not wish to read about me complaining... simply scroll up or down, because that is all this post is going to be about. Poor Little Ol' Me!

My first pregnancy was not a walk in the park. I puked everyday basically on the hour for the first 5 months, and at least once every 3 days for the rest of the joyous experience. I loved (and do love being pregnant)... but oh gosh it can also be pretty overwhelming too. But for the first time around I do not remember being so exhausted. I was pretty tired for the first 3 months and could fall asleep just about any where- but this time around oh goodness. I find myself napping while Omi naps and being dead while he is awake.

My feet are also pretty swollen this time around too. I did not swell up with Omi until AFTER I had him. Nuts I know... but after the c-section I had the beginnings of preclampsia: swelled up like a balloon, high blood pressure... all that kinds of fun stuff.

Being pregnant with a toddler is just much crazier than I ever imagined. And to think I am wanting to try this one more time looking for that pesky little girl. Am I insane? Most likely... but that most of your know by now any way.

Since 2007 I feel like I am either trying to get pregnant, pregnant, or just done being pregnant... lol--- that is almost 4 years!

Don't misunderstand me, we tried for 2 years to get pregnant. I am blessed in countless way to be able to have children. Plus yeah I moan and groan but love the feeling of being pregnant. Who would think having someone kick you in the ribs and knock the wind out of you would be pleasant? Not really "pleasant" but the feeling is invigorating. So as wonderful as the whole motherhood experience is--- I NEED to complain. Because lately it seems that the clothes in our laundry hampers are having sex and reproducing. Does the Falcon family have the most dirty clothes in the nation? I feel like I am either putting clothes into laundry machine, taking it out, folding it, or putting it away while hoping that little Omar does not sneak up behind me and roll around in what I have already folded. Oh gosh- that happens TOO often.

Ok, so I think I have complained enough, even complaining leaves me exhausted (lol). Now off to con Omar into a much need foot massage.