Thursday, November 5, 2009

Not that HUGE of a deal guys-

Ok so the Yankees won the World Series. Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Now let me explain, I am really not sure why I dislike the Yankees. I think it may have a little something to do with their obnoxious fans, and their ability to annoy the poop out of any living creature. They boast about how they are the best team, etc etc etc. Let me break my true reasons down for some of you.

1. Your team has the highest payroll in all of MLB... you should win series every year. It is NOT an accomplishment for your team anymore.
2. You bash on the opposing team even if they beat you (i.e. 2003 Marlins).
3. Does Derek Jeter ever not smile at the camera?
4. Your owner is fat... lol
5. No proof Barry Bonds tested positive for steroids, yet he was run out of the game basically. How many players on the Yankee's roster are confirmed to have tested positive?? Reward: play in World Series and receive a ring.
6. Again, the fans are beyond annoying and obnoxious.
7. A-Rod... you are a fabulous baseball player, but you're presence has begun to annoy me. You are somewhat of "un arrependtido" you're Dominican-- deal with it.

..... and really the list can go on and on.

It really is such a shame, I love that city. Everything about it... except the Yankees (lol).