Sunday, January 15, 2012

Meet Lenny


First and foremost let me confirm to you that YES I have lost my mind.  And although you would imagine having a home, two terrors, a husband and two pups to tend to I would have my plate (not full) overflowing.  WRONG!!!

About three weeks ago my cousin’s set of guinea pigs had a small litter of little darlings.  I am a sucker for pets, since birth.  Always wanting to keep every little creature that crossed my path.  Needless to say growing up my house looked like nothing less than a zoo, dogs, fish, parakeets, cocktail, rabbits, chickens, hamsters, etc!  Now back to present day, I jumped at the opportunity at getting my mitts on one of those fuzzy babies and let the boys have themselves a new little "friend". 

Omi was soo0o0 excited when we picked up our new addition.  Naming her (I say she is a her, but we really have no clue) was an interesting task.  Omi went through a string of names before deciding which he (and we) liked best.  Right before deciding on Lenny he said he wanted to name it Punk.  Punk?  Can you imagine that???  When I asked him why, he said so that he could say "that is MY punk".  I don’t understand either, but he thought it was hilarious.  Omar than convinced him to select another name...and that is how we got Lenny.  Our new little friend is named after no other than Linny from The Wonder Pets.  Omi named her Lenny only because that is what he think the one on TV is called.  I tried explaining her name was Linny, but he rebutted and said "No! Lenny", so Lenny it is. 

Lenny has survived 3 days with us, and seems to be assimilating quite nicely.  She spends most of her day hiding inside her plastic little igloo.  There are days when I wish I had a plastic little igloo to hide inside of too.  Before bringing her home I was concerned and thought Coco and Peanut might want to catch a glimpse inside the cage, but I was completely wrong.  They have not even gone in the direction of her cage.  And today I was sitting on the couch with Lenny curled up in my hands with Coco laying next to me on couch and she did not even budge.  Could care less.  So I guess that is the good news, no death by heart attack induced by a canine scare.

Aiden thinks Lenny is the funniest thing he has ever seen.  I am not sure if it is due to the fact that he has a couple of Zhu Zhu pets which resemble Lenny or some other reason only lord knows about.  But whenever Omi is holding her, Aiden scoots on over extends one finger and brushes it along Lenny’s back and than runs off laughing hysterically.  I cannot describe how hilarious it is.

So far Lenny’s arrival has been going great.  I cannot wait for Omi to be old enough to help clean her cage ;)

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